The Way of the Rose
We constantly talk about the rights and rules of Truth, Good, Freedom, Beauty and even Love, but these values are without rules and have only one right: that of offering themselves unconditionally to those who know how to sincerely open themselves to the Reality of Being.
Most fight, suffer, are confused, disheartened, discouraged, skeptical, only because they do not notice the help that uninterruptedly descends from Heaven. However, in contact with one’s own inner Truth, if the thought is motivated and the aspiration is sincere, it is possible to discriminate between being and appearing, then the limitations and impossibilities show themselves for what they are, inconsistent illusions dictated by ignorance.
The Way of the Rose is a necessary inner crisis that re-educates to Unity. It is the awakening of the Will to the Service of the Divine. It is the taking of Consxiousness[1] that offers a solution to ignorance. It is Knowledge through identity, the Gnosis that illuminates the vision of the Philosopher consecrated to the Divine, finally free to be what he is.
The main purpose of this Way is to activate a higher level of consxiousness, a true inner conversion that every man and woman can potentially achieve by freeing themselves from the identifications and structured bonds of the surface personality.
In order to awaken to Reality it is not enough to watch, to understand and to experience, but it is necessary to practice what one knows. Know thyself is simply the intimate Truth dwelling in man who “loves” Divine Love, and Self-Remembering is the realization of this impersonal Love.
The need for human love, to the extent that it is not subjected to the procreative instinct of Nature or to the sole desire for personal pleasure, is in reality the need to know in order to unite and enjoy the Divine; it is the intimate need to merge with Him. Love understood in a human sense, or the fallacious idea that one has of this love, is never a necessity of the Essence, but rather a momentary concession made to the ego which in the game of Life, lost in its own image projected into the world, seeks outside what it already possesses within itself.
Illuminated by Divine Life, it is possible to consecrate and reunite with the Fire of Divine Love. This Fire is living Thought and Will in action, and it is the only true Power capable of awakening man from the sleep of Consciousness, reconnecting him to the true Reality of Being.
You who are, do not allow the world of ghosts and appearances to suffocate your Divine spark, because he who lets it go out no longer has “gold to make gold”, while instead he who manages to protect and nourish it, cannot help but blaze up to the point of incinerating the “Veil of Isis”.
The Way of Being is for those who fly on the wings of Truth, happy in heart and candid in soul. These, supreme, move in commensurate with the Eternal Lord of Works, because truly, he who chooses Love has been chosen by Love.
[1] The word Consciousness is intentionally written with the letter x (consxiouness), to constitute a sort of “stumbling block” in order to remember the value of this term which defines the relationship between Spirit and Substance and which is often used inappropriately or superficially.