
Know yourself and trust the flow of everything!

“We are in the world, but not of the world!”
“We are all One!”
“We live in a Matrix.”
“Love yourself as your neighbor.”

There are phrases, such as those just reported, which in certain seasons of life appear, to most, incomprehensible, cryptic or purely religious or philosophical concepts. Then, over time, for someone they start to resonate differently, they become more familiar and sometimes it is possible to grasp their deep meaning.

So what has changed in us?

What did allow us to perceive them differently?

The quality of our sensing has simply changed! We have acquired a new point of view and this has transformed our inner and outer manifestation. It is the beginning of a long and tiring journey to reunite with what we could define as the “source line”. It is different for each one of us. It is gradual and leads to a progressive awakening, which allows us to gradually detach ourselves from all those conditionings and attachments that have held us hostage for a very long time, life after life.

It is an intimate, introspective, silent journey that gradually leads into the depths of our own essence, opening doors otherwise inaccessible. For those who have managed to carry this passage out, it will then be possible to understand in the Truth the reason why every event, every occurrence of life, has been chosen and wanted by the soul. It is the manifestation of a part of itself! Only then will it be possible to welcome it, accept it, love it and fully integrate it.

Then it will be possible to unconditionally love all life in an authentic way, including one’s enemies, and to pray for one’s persecutors. Otherwise, only abstract, empty concepts will remain, easily exploitable by those who, as in the case of the New Age, hide manipulative interests behind a fake light, acting on the minds of the masses.

There is no randomness, there is only causality!

Every event, every circumstance, has a symbolic meaning that concerns our conscience and our evolution, both personal and collective ones.

By integrating this new perspective, this new way of approaching the reality that surrounds us, we will truly be the aware actors of our existence in life: no more victimhood, no more delegating our powers to others, no more attachment or dependence, but only full and unconditional assumption of one’s own responsibility and awareness, with respect to every choice and experience of our life.

Only then will we understand the reason for certain events in our past, and we will understand the fundamental importance of living in the eternal present, in the HERE and NOW.

By abandoning judgment and the sense of guilt, all spiritual work will acquire a new light, it will be transformed into a container and not into a content, as often happens in the pseudo-holistic world.

We therefore access our hidden treasure, through the knowledge of ourselves, and, relying on the flow of the Whole, we will realize that we have never been separated from it.

Happy awakening!
