We have entered the twenty-first century and according to astronomy we have exited the age of Pisces and entered the age of Aquarius. For those who do not know astronomy it may be difficult to understand what the age of Pisces and Aquarius means. We try to give an explanation, in simple words, what the phenomenon consists of from an astronomical point of view.
The astronomical phenomenon of the precession of the equinoxes
The inclination of the Earth’s axis with respect to the solar plane or celestial equator it is 23° 27′. The Earth therefore follows its path of rotation around the Sun according to a trajectory called the ecliptic or zodiac, whose plane will have the same angle of inclination with respect to the celestial equator. In the image below, the ecliptic corresponds to the apparent path of the Sun during the year. In reality the opposite happens: the Sun is fixed at the center and the Earth rotates on the ecliptic. The trajectory of the ecliptic cuts the celestial equator in two points, the spring equinoctial point (gamma point) or first point of Aries and the autumnal equinoctial point (omega point) or first point of Libra.
La The Earth is a sphere or rather an ellipsoid of rotation: the equatorial diameter is greater than the polar diameter of 45 km. Due to the inclination of the Earth’s axis, the equatorial bulge is not always directed towards the Sun: the latter therefore exerts a twisting moment on the bulge which tends to straighten the Earth’s axis.
The Moon also participates in the phenomenon: although its mass is much smaller than the Sun, its action is considerable due to its proximity to the Earth. The action of these two celestial bodies causes the Earth in its rotation around itself to behave like a spinning top, tending to move according to the torque exerted by the Sun and the Moon. These external actions cause the Earth’s axis to rotate in a cone perpendicular to the Earth’s orbit. An entire rotation of the pole, in astronomical terms called the precession of the equinoxes, lasts 25,770 years: therefore, the length of an era is 2,148 years, that is, the entire precession divided by twelve, the number of which represents the positions of the zodiac.
Therefore, as a consequence of this slow movement, both the celestial equator and the points of intersection between the celestial equator and the ecliptic vary, thus covering all the twelve constellations of the zodiac over the course of 25,770 years. On March 21st every 2,148 years the constellation changes: at the time of the ancient Greeks, it was located approximately on the border between the constellations of Aries and Pisces, today it is located between Aquarius and Pisces. Astronomers say that on March 21, that is, the ideal point where the ecliptic cuts the celestial equator is already found in the constellation of Aquarius. This is why we say that we have entered the age of Aquarius.
This slow movement of the Earth means not only a slow variation in the Earth’s climate, where winter will take over from summer and vice versa, but also, above all, a variation in the mentality, in the inclinations of the collective mind of humanity.
Astrology, a science reserved for initiates
It is interesting to study prehistory and ancient history from an astrological perspective, the history of human behavior as a function of the various eras. The mentality, the desires, the behaviors of various populations and civilizations have a general imprint characterized by the influence of the astronomical sign of the era. This must not be considered rigidly: it is the psychology of behavior, it is the unconscious reason of humanity’s actions.
For the ancients, astrology was a science reserved for the elected ones, for the initiated (those who possess knowledge), and was considered the science of the gods, because nature was confused with God, and it was the great stars in the sky that traced the path of men. The entire natural world was believed by the ancients to be populated by gods, spirits and demons. The Sun, the Moon and the stars were also considered the domain of the gods. Hence the common belief that the stellar divinities directly influenced earthly events, such as droughts, floods, wars, epidemics, changes in dynasties and falls of empires. The careful study of the motion of celestial bodies was reserved only for priests and initiates in order to promptly know the will of the celestial gods.
Today, especially in the culture of Western societies, various people, especially of a certain cultural level, catalog the belief of the ancients in the divinities of nature as superstition and consider these populations and their priests/scientists as primitive, as they did not know the physical laws that govern natural phenomena. They view these populations with pity and consider them more or less the same as the primitive peoples of Africa and America. We, on the other hand, consider ourselves superior because we believe we know the laws of the phenomenal world around us.
One lesson we still have to learn is humility in the face of Nature. We know very little about many natural phenomena and have not even visited any of the millions of planets in the universe. Despite all this, we have the audacity to feel superior to the populations of antiquity, who in certain sectors possessed, we don’t know how, knowledge superior to our current knowledge.
Nowadays, many phenomena, that can be observed or measured, are still without an official answer. This means that the types of energy from which they originate are also unknown. The construction of the pyramids, scattered across all continents, are a clear demonstration of this. The internal energy of these mysterious constructions leaves scholars baffled, and, so far, no one has yet managed to give a plausible explanation. In fact, inside these mysterious constructions, no electronic computer works properly.
As regards the ancient temples of Egypt, Babylon, India, as well as the Greco-Roman, Celtic and Christian ones, it is known today that they were built leaving the negative waves of telluric energy outside and that inside only positive energy exists, distributed at increasingly intense levels going from the periphery to the ideal center of the temple. In this regard, see the temple of Amenhotep III in Luxor, Upper Egypt, called the Temple of Man.
A recent discovery concerning the Earth’s telluric energy is the Hartman network. However, there is still no notion of its use, much less the possibility of expanding its meshes to your liking.
The influence of stars on nature
If we reflect on the concept of divinity in the natural world, especially in light of the teachings of the World Masters, we must go back and rethink about the beliefs of ancient peoples. Nature is God, they said. Everywhere you look there is life, that energy defined as ‘divine’, as every phenomenon whose causes were not known, but whose presence was often perceived and cataloged. Hence, the parallelism between a nature inhabited by positive and negative divinities and the presence of divine energy everywhere. Just as this energy is present in nature, so it is a component of the planets and celestial bodies, of the Sun and of the Moon.
The observation that the Sun and the Moon have an influence on plant life was not new to ancient peoples, hence the cult of the two stars to propitiate their favors. Today in the field of agriculture, we follow the lunar cycles for sowing, harvesting, harvesting, pressing and transplanting trees. The menstrual cycle follows the lunar cycle.
I remember a curious custom during my childhood: the bottling of wines by local farmers. It is normal practice to bottle wines based on the state of the Moon. If the wine is bottled with the Moon not being favorable, a strong pressure forms inside the bottle which can even cause the cork to pop. This is knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for centuries without having a scientific explanation.
From meteorology, it is known that generally a new lunar cycle, which begins with the new Moon, marks a change in climate and atmospheric conditions. Tides are produced by the attraction of the Moon. From this arises the belief in a mysterious energy that emanates from the night star and which conditions the growth of the plant world and the female part of humanity. Hence the parallelism of this energy with the lifeblood of the human body, with the unconscious part of being, with the feminine world.
On the other hand, the Sun represents life, strength, action, the masculine part of being. The Moon becomes the passive star, the Sun the active star: perfection is obtained from the union of the two. The Yin and Yang of Chinese medicine are nothing other than the feminine and masculine parts, the negative and the positive of this still mysterious energy; the human body, only when balance exists, regains health: hence the role of acupuncture.
Observations and parallelisms on the different energies were implemented for all the planets and the main stars in the sky. From the observation of the movement of the stars, a connection with earthly events became spontaneous. Since the beginning of the Babylonian civilization (2nd millennium BC) tablets have been handed down to us reporting the positions observed for the planets compared with earthly events. The link between astrology, astronomy and religion (star cults, astronomers/priests) can be observed in practically all ancient civilizations. Among the Sumerians, the influence of the planets and stars was taken into such consideration that mating between men and women was scheduled at specific times of the year, in order to generate a lineage with well-defined characteristics.
Among the Sumerians, the influence of the planets and stars was taken into such consideration that mating between men and women was scheduled at specific times of the year, in order to generate a lineage with well-defined characteristics.
Today, there are numerous scientific studies on the influences of the stars: we know that the Moon influences our mood in general, the Sun has its importance in the increase, or the decrease, of heart disease, Mars has relevance with the states of alteration of human blood, while Jupiter acts on the layers of the ionosphere, altering intercontinental communications, not via satellite. For example, when the Sun and Jupiter are at 90° to each other with respect to the Earth, any intercontinental transmission through the ionosphere, and not via satellite, becomes useless.
Today astrology, the reading of the planets or, rather, their influence on an individual or on a city, a nation, a planet, is increasingly considered at the level of science. Naturally, there is no shortage of detractors: many of these generally do not have specific or in-depth knowledge.
Western culture, characterized by consumerism and stressful rhythms, in which life becomes a competition for more and more, tends to give value and importance only to what can be explained and controlled. It is the lack of humility that leads to fear of what can neither be explained nor dominated. It is in the wake of this thought that phenomena such as UFOs or knowledge deriving from astrology, astronomy or other disciplines are denied and presented as superstitions with superficial explanations.
In fact, each individual has his own temperament, has his own way of living, of acting, of making decisions, of feeling things, his own emotionality, reasoning, or as they say, has his own vibration: at the moment of birth it is like an imprint, a mark that he receives. Just as there are many radio transmissions and each has its own frequency, so each individual has his own mark, his own vibration which is unique, just as the handprint is unique. Now around us, there is a continuous swirl of energy coming from sidereal spaces. If this energy is in tune with our personal vibration, without our knowing it, it exalts us, charges us with energy, conditions our day, gives us the strength to react to any unfavorable event. Instead, if it is in dissonance we feel powerless, listless, without the strength to react, more prone to nervousness. Like a radio station receiving on a certain frequency, reception can be clear or noisy regardless of how good the receiver is.
Each individual has his own temperament, has his own way of living, of acting, of making decisions, of feeling things, his own emotionality, reasoning, or as they say, has his own vibration: at the moment of birth it is like an imprint, a mark that he receives.
Our future in broad terms is already written: the stars in the sky help us or not, they influence us, since whether we want it or not, we absorb the energy that is around us. Astrology is not whether today I will have a favorable meeting, whether I will conclude good deals, whether an accident will happen to me; my personal astrological map, valid for me and for no one else, tells me if today the external energies are favorable or dissonant, if it is convenient to undertake a job or a business, as the mental and psychic situation may not be in the right situation for take on that job or close that deal. You don’t make important decisions when you’re tired or sick, you put everything off until your body is healthy and your mind is clear.
Just as each individual has his or her own personal brand, so there is a brand, a vibration specific to a city, a people, a nation, an dto planet Earth. There is research in this regard where the astral map of a population is read according to its history: the numerous coincidences between the dissonance of the stars and difficulties in the journey of that population’s history, and vice versa, are interesting. For a nation, the slow planets (from Jupiter to Pluto) and the stars of the galaxy, especially those of the first magnitude, are important.
Likewise, the Earth receives ever-changing energies: every day it becomes unrepeatable. The Sun in its rotation around the galaxy will never come to occupy the same position twice: in every point of the galaxy there is an energy given by the various stars that compose it, so each stretch of the Earth’s path is characterized by different energies which they leave an imprint on the behavior and mentality of men.
The history of human behavior as a function of the eras
It is interesting to study the general characteristics of history in this light. From school books, we learn that the history of civilization began about 6,000 years ago, with the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, the Egyptians in North Africa, the Aryans in India and the Chinese in China. They began to build imposing cities, they gave themselves a writing, they left laws and a way of governing. In the previous six millennia, it was prehistory, the era of rough and then polished stone. Even before that, man was a semi-animal and continued to live in caves for millennia. Therefore, man only created a social organization six or seven thousand years ago, whereas previously it was only a tribal organization. This little story they told us at school doesn’t hold up.
According to anthropology scholars, a branch of the Australopithecines, starting around 4 million years ago, gave rise to various species and the progenitors of the future new species Homo. Well, for millions of years man (Homo Erectus, Homo Abilis, Homo Nearderthalensis, Homo Sapiens) lived in the animal state, and then, suddenly about 6,000 years ago, he woke up from his long sleep and began to legislate, write, build monuments that are still unmatched today. In the little story we are only missing the magic wand.
History is much older than we think: geological upheavals also predominantly dictate the courses of history. In its long history, the Earth has undergone various reversals with the sinking of lands and the emergence of others: evidence of this is the variation of the magnetic pole, as deriving from the analysis of the ferrous deposits. Geologists date the last telluric upheaval to around 10,000, 12,000 years ago, in which there was a clear change in the magnetic pole. Could it not have been the famous Universal Flood, the memory of which is told by the peoples of all continents? This is why no finds from other previous civilizations are found, or the little that necessarily exists is considered acquired by the civilizations we know.
The astronomical knowledge of the Babylonians, the Chinese, the Mayas, the Aryans, the mystery of the energy of the pyramids scattered across all the continents, including at the bottom of the seas, the knowledge of telluric energy, of the Hartman network, the most astonishing technology of our century, including the use of the atomic bomb (Vimana – ‘celestial chariots’), reported in the ‘Droma Parva’ section of the Mahabharata) and another even more powerful energy, spoken of in the Vedas (called Brahma), should make us reflect and ask ourselves where they learned them from. All ancient peoples mention, under colorful names or symbolisms, flying objects. The list of objects, finds, findings that cannot be answered is so long that one is amazed why some people persist in not wanting to admit the presence of previous civilizations.
History is much older than we think: geological upheavals also predominantly dictate the courses of history.
The very ancient Tibetan books say that now is the era of the fifth race, and that the previous ones have disappeared due to telluric upheavals, both natural and caused by human error. The Vedas also speak of the five races.
We now want to read human behavior over the various millennia from an astrological perspective and we will see why this science was held in enormous consideration by the ancients.
Each era lasts approximately 2,150 years; roughly the millennia before the cataclysm correspond to the following eras:
Age of Pisces 1st and 2nd millennium of the Christian era
Age of Aries 1st and 2nd millennium before the Christian era
Age of Taurus 3rd and 4th millennium before the Christian era
Age of Gemini 5th and 6th millennium before the Christian era
Age of Cancer 7th and 8th millennium before the Christian era
Age of Leo 9th and 10th millennium before the Christian era.
Let’s start from the last sign, which could encompass the destruction of one civilization and the beginning of another.
The Age of Leo, symbol of the Golden Age. Leo symbolizes greatness, generosity, splendor, vital energy and at the same time fire, superficiality, the lust for power. This era could mean the magnificence of a great civilization and destruction by fire, or by an external celestial body colliding with the planet, or by the desire for power in the use of weapons whose effect has slipped out of hand. All these hypotheses are plausible under the sign of Leo. In fact, the last variation of the magnetic pole, according to geologists, dates back to this era: perhaps a natural collision of a celestial body or a human error could have caused the famous flood? That is, the washing away of the emerged lands by the oceans and consequently the sinking of entire continents and the emergence of others? Various scholars are inclined to place the construction of the Sphinx and the pyramids of Keops, Kefren and Menkaura at the beginning of this period.
The three pyramids are not positioned on the same straight line: there is a certain angle between the pyramid of Kefren and the pyramids of Keops and Menkaura. Using a sophisticated computer program, and keeping in mind the Precession of the Equinoxes, the result is obtained that the exact configuration of the current position of the three pyramids is 10,450 BC. (see Graham Hancock: ‘Footprints of the Gods’).
The last variation of the magnetic pole, according to geologists, dates back to this era: perhaps a natural collision of a celestial body or a human error could have caused the famous flood?
If we join the two pyramids of Keops and Menkaura with a line and build an isosceles triangle, the other side, with the vertex in Keops, passes exactly through the center of the Sphinx’s head. Pure chance? Absolutely not. Furthermore, the smoothness on the boulders of the Sphinx is only due to the presence of large masses of water, while the three pyramids are aligned with the Sphinx. According to geologists, a very rainy period occurred around 10,000 BC, when the Sahara was green.
Let’s not forget that the body of the Sphinx represents the Lion, symbol of this era.
Cancer is a water sign, it symbolizes introspection, the depth of feelings, the sense of family, of the clan, the memory of the past, the rejection of an extended community life. After the disaster, man withdraws into himself with the few survivors and into natural shelters, remembers the past and rebuilds the clan. The splendor of the past and then the horror of the cataclysm are part of the symbolism that will become common for future humanity. The golden age, the gods who travel in the sky and who communicate with earthlings, the comet that brings bad luck, the stars that guide the lives of men, the universal flood, the salvation of a chosen few. Scholars classify this era as the age of rough and then polished stone, where men live in small groups in natural ravines. The descendants have forgotten everything, we start from scratch: only a very few hold some secrets of the golden age.
The Age of Gemini is the millennium of movements, of great migrations. Gemini is an air sign, it represents fickleness, mobility, lively intelligence, the joy of living and at the same time depression, the lack of any moral restraint. Men forget the past, they no longer live on memories, even if the splendor of the past and the great fear remain in the collective unconscious. They want to return to live, to rebuild a civilization and begin the great migrations to look for welcoming places in which to return to live. The wanderings begin, intelligence helps to discover new ways to help man in the struggle for existence against a nature that is often hostile. Hunting becomes the vital activity of future generations, the great fear is forgotten. The independent spirit of Gemini and its changeable nature shape generations of nomadic peoples always in search of the new, devoid of any moral restraint other than the indispensable minimum that keeps the group bound. In this era the great migrations across continents are classified, where different clans with both chromosomal and behavioral similarities join together to make a common front against a hostile nature.
After the disaster, man withdraws into himself with the few survivors and into natural shelters, remembers the past and rebuilds the clan. The splendor of the past and then the horror of the cataclysm are part of the symbolism that will become common for future humanity.
The Age of Gemini is followed by the Age of Taurus, whose intrinsic characteristic is completely opposite to the previous era. Taurus symbolizes tranquility, stability, property, land, comfort: this means stopping in a comfortable land, giving yourself an organization, a moral law, obedience to king priests. The beginning of the great civilizations, from Mesopotamia to Egypt, China and India, can be dated to the millennia of the Age of Taurus. There is a group of chosen ones, of initiates who hold the secrets of the golden age, of the era before the cataclysm, and they are jealously handed down from generation to generation, only to people worthy of this secret. They know the stars in the sky and their influence, they know how to determine with extreme precision the eclipses, the favorable or unfavorable years for the land, the harvests, the sowing: only this small group knows that everything is regulated by natural laws, while for the most people, for the people, it is the will of the gods that regulates the life of the territory.
A religion of subjection is born, of benevolence towards the divinity to attract his favors: the gods are distant and alien to mortals, however with the help of the priest kings they can not only offer their favors to the people, but become the protectors of the race. Each people thus have its own god, who also becomes the guarantor of the salvation and well-being of the people. Fear in divinity curbs the most brutal instincts and creates a society, a nation in the true sense of the word. Taurus is under the dominion of Venus, of beauty, of harmony: organization, law, religion, contribute to giving a strong impulse to the arts in general, in particular to architecture with the construction of the great monuments that we know.
Aries is the sign of iron and fire, of primordial strength, of the right of the strongest, and at the same time of the fear of the unconscious, of introspection: everything that is visible and can be controlled with the senses becomes acceptable, while the remainder is excluded because it escapes any control. Wars, the subjugation of peoples, are the main characteristic of the millennia before the Christian era. Not that there hadn’t been wars before: they were triggered by a different reason. Now the strongest is always right and it is his right to enslave the weakest people: the slave is his property and he can do whatever he wants with him, including the right to kill. The sense of pity, of commiseration for the weakest does not exist and has no sense of existing: Aries does not possess an attitude of weakness or virtue. The birth of great empires favors the union of different races and peoples, exchanges of customs, ways of living, acceptance of gods different from one’s own.
Fortified cities are born, the collective mind is focused on new weapons, and on how to maintain power: the search for gold and metals takes on its importance, as gold means power, and bronze or iron mean strength and power. In this phase of history, the positive side of the conquests of territories is the transmission to other populations of a way of life at a higher level, the concept of law. Violence is conceived as a means to dominate, to become first, and not violence for the sake of violence, for physical or intellectual torture; one does not kill due to differences in ideology or religion: these are mental attitudes that were still foreign in the millennia before the Christian era. In the Greek-Roman world, tolerance towards all forms of religion was a fundamental component of society. In Rome, for example, the law of the Twelve Tables prohibited any persecution for ideological or religious reasons.
Pisces indicates introspection, feeling, piety, artistic sense, and similarly weakness and therefore the desire to find a secure support within, and without hesitation in one’s own insecurity. Religion becomes the natural means to these aspirations.
Finally, we arrive at the Age of Pisces, two millennia of the Christian Era, which saw the birth of today’s great monotheistic religions. Pisces indicates introspection, feeling, piety, artistic sense, and similarly weakness and therefore the desire to find a secure support within, and without hesitation in one’s own insecurity. Religion becomes the natural means to these aspirations. Religion has always existed among all populations, understood as the worship of divinity, spirits and nature gods. Each population had its own exclusive God or Gods. In the Christian Era, religion takes on the component of exclusivity, security, the goodness of one’s religion, fanaticism. Tolerating other ways of thinking means unconsciously accepting that one’s idea may not be the true one: this means the loss of one’s internal security. Intolerance towards different ways of thinking becomes an object of persecution: anyone who goes outside of normality is destroyed, violence is used for the desire for violence as it is desired to destroy the soul, the source from which the wrong idea comes. Persecutions and religious struggles have bloodied these two millennia. The priest kings of ancient memory no longer have the baggage of scientific knowledge: now religious ideas do guide them to power, in the name of God they want to command. Another aspect takes on importance in the popular mentality, the sense of pity, of compassion towards the underprivileged; the search for forgiveness, for re-entry into society, into religion as long as the rules dictated by its leaders are observed. Ethics, moral behavior become divine laws as they are established by religious leaders who command by divine anointing. The arts reach high levels of harmony and beauty, the golden section is used liberally in every field of art. Since the predominant idea is essentially mystical religious, the art is also strictly in this current.
Perspectives in the age of Aquarius
The current era is already the era of Aquarius. This sign means tolerance, freedom in any field, non-conformism, individualism, feeling of justice and not forgiveness, vision of ideas, of situations that are ahead of their time, including scientific discoveries. No people, even if numerically much inferior, are no longer able to tolerate the political domination of other peoples: the sense of freedom and individualism are very accentuated in the Aquarian era. Individuality at any cost has led to extremes in art, in ways of dressing, of living. Tolerance in any field has given even more space to individualism at any cost. Traditional religions, in terms of organization, centers of power, exclusivity of truth, are destined to end, because man no longer accepts the ideas that are fed to him sic et simpliciter, as he himself wants to stick his nose in, research and experiment on his own skin. The truth has not been the monopoly of any religion, and now what has been kept hidden for centuries is coming to light. Religion will change its face, as it will become a search for the divine independently of any religious organization: the contact between the divine and man will take place in the first person, without intermediaries.
The Age of Aquarius will give a notable boost in the field of fundamental scientific discoveries, especially in the field of energy.
The Age of Aquarius will give a notable boost in the field of fundamental scientific discoveries, especially in the field of energy. Finally, the secret of plants will be discovered and solar energy and other energies present in the cosmos will be used directly: transmissions, transport, the treatment of especially mental illnesses, the production of electricity will undergo a radical change, which will bring about a transformation 180 degrees in the life of the planet. In the second half of the twentieth century, technology made giant strides, but the same cannot be said for scientific discoveries. In the field of fundamental discoveries, such as energy, transmissions, transport, biology, the atomic field, man still lives on the income of what was discovered in the first half of the last century. Everything has been perfected by technology in such a way as to make it unrecognizable from the original prototype, however the basic idea is still the same.
Technologies and scientific knowledge are available to anyone, including the know-how for building atomic bombs. The exclusivity of one’s monotheistic religion, which when taken to its extreme consequences leads to fanaticism and hatred towards those who possess another belief, therefore another security, will be at the origin of the last blow of the Pisces era : A 180 degree change in men’s mentality will not be painless. From the ashes of the phoenix, destroyed by iron and fire, a completely regenerated humanity will be born, which will leave behind the mentality and spirit of the Pisces era soaked in blood and fanaticism, towards man and at the same time beauty and harmony, in nature and in the arts.
New ideas in the scientific field are already incubating which will see the light in the first century of the new millennium. With the new golden age heralded by the prophecies of the past, by Sai Baba and by other Masters of the World who preceded him, a radical change in the use of the clean energies that surround us in various fields cannot be missing. We are waiting, with the certainty that this will happen, even if the price will be high: in this sense the stars and the Masters of the World speak to us.