A Spiritual Technology

In order to better understand all the following topics, it seems useful to talk about which were the fundamental stages that led to such a different, yet so ancient knowledge. A completely new knowledge but permeated with styles and archetypes as old as human existence itself.

The new, even when it is new in the most absolute way, always springs from the old, especially when we want to get as far away from the known as possible.

It is, therefore, good to avoid disregarding the old, since it is so deeply rooted in human memory that it inexorably returns to emphasize the consequentiality of everything.

Opposing what has already been means opposing a part of ourselves. In order to lay out the new, we need to evolve ourselves from what has been.

This evolution is possible thanks to whoever has contributed to it, and whoever came later benefits from whoever came before. Even when it turns out that sometimes the knowledge of who came first was superior to the next one, what has been said remains valid.

Even in those who have never had conscious access to it, knowledge does exist!

Maybe inactive, dormant, distant, yet concrete and easily accessible, it exists in them, because it has been handed down by those who came before.


I do not actually ever know when my research journey began but, every time I think about it, I realize that whatever I’ve done in my life has led me towards this one.

Since I was a child, I had the absolute certainty that what I lived every day was not the True Life, as I called it then. I often happened to experience, in that “other” reality, such a convincing materiality that was truer than life itself. I can’t explain it very well anymore, but then it was very clear to me. Today, with adult words, I would say that I perceived a parallel world. I lived in that world and also in this one, understanding the differences. I don’t know if it was the imaginary world typical of children, and, to tell the truth, I don’t even know how much imaginary or real there is in the world of children. They don’t wonder about a problem, they just live. That’s it.

That world never ended for me. It continues.

As a teenager, I had a rude “awakening”. My girlfriends accused me of being too different, so I adapted. I created two separate and distinct worlds for myself: an external one, made up of everyday life, of girlish interests, of famous singers, of favorite teams; the inner other, made up of readings, places, emotions, feelings, lives, landscapes and unknown times, but very connatural to me.

Since then, my favorite readings have been historical novels. I am still fascinated by the daily life of people over the centuries and civilizations. A literary genre that I discovered by chance (now I know that chance doesn’t exist), when at the age of twelve, after reading all the children’s books in the house, I came across Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”. It was a lightning love. That book opened my eyes to what I was looking for: the story told from a different perspective.

Opposing what has already been means opposing a part of ourselves. In order to lay out the new, we need to evolve ourselves from what has been.

I learned that, as I imagined, everything in reality can have different interpretations; I have never forgotten that lesson. I kept seeing everything from various perspectives. That work was what I needed. It represented the “scientific” consecration that allowed me to continue to cultivate the different objectivity that I had naturally intuited.

Afterwards, the biographies of the great historical figures alone helped me to understand the other side of their reality, different from the one told in the history books. I sensed the magic of their “greatness”, and their thirst for life – often for destruction – that moved them.

Invariably, I ran into reality: there is never only one truth. Reading carefully, I discovered, for example, that Alexander the Great, celebrated in the West as the great conqueror and worthy representative of that human passion that burns life in pursuit of a dream, was, and remains, for the people of Central Asia, Iscander the Terrible, who brought death and destruction and bloodshed an ancient land of knowledge and memories.

Two truths, one man only.

I went on in search of reality, keeping my two “lives” separate. I attended classical studies in my daily life, and I cut out time for the other life, in which the readings had gradually transformed into real parallel studies centered on some main strands: ancient Egypt, the old European religions, all that was concerning the other truth about the life of Jesus, and the ancient shamanic knowledge of Central Asia.

At that time, it seemed they were disssimilar interests. Now I understand they were just one path. In my small village, the years of high school slipped peacefully by, while reading and studying. There were no particular disturbances in those years, nor in the following ones when I moved to Florence to complete my studies. My two lives continued to flow parallel and very lively. I felt at the center of the world and learned a lot, especially from the people I met. Once I graduated, I decided to return to Sardinia to work as a freelance architect. I felt that, despite my love for distant countries, it was in that land that I wanted to do something, even if I didn’t know exactly what.

Being a freelancer has always been of fundamental importance to me. I am by nature against anything that gives the idea of a lack of freedom. This professional choice satisfied me a lot from a creative point of view and, at the same time, it left me time to experience the other reality made up of books, travels, ongoing researches…

I managed to juggle the two realities quite well. I even pushed myself to formulate, in an embryonic way, my own theory. Starting from the scientific assumption that everything we live in everyday life is created by the mind (and I, who “knew” the other reality, could well say it), I had arrived, by deduction, to affirm that even any illness is not real, but is a conventional creation of the mind. I was sure that, once freed from such beliefs, anyone could live without pain.

I do not actually ever know when my research journey began but, every time I think about it, I realize that whatever I’ve done in my life has led me towards this one.

There was, and still is, a very specific reason why my attention was focused on illness and the possible methods to remove it from everyday life. The reason is that since before my birth, my mother has been defined as “life threatening” situation by medical science. My life is, therefore, a continuous race against time. Today, thanks to the acquired knowledge, I have made a virtue of my speed, determining the direction in which my research has evolved.

I learned how it is possible to transform anything, even “disharmonies”, into something useful for oneself and for others.

This was my theory at the time, but since it was formulated in the other reality, I kept it well away from everyday life and, above all, I was careful not to talk about it with anyone. Despite everything, however, I was very careful to perceive external signals. One day I happened to read a flyer, and I stopped on a sentence from which I could deduce that there were scientific studies that confirmed a close interdependence between physical illness and the brain. It seemed that these studies had led to the conclusion that any type of illness is determined by mechanisms of the brain, which, among the various responses to external conditioning, would also predict it.

I had a reaction of instant joy. I realized I wasn’t crazy, then I smiled at the thought that maybe I was anyway and the only difference was that there were other crazy people like me.

I therefore decided to further investigate that strange theory, studying the behavior of the brain and correlating it with the surroundings, not only as the present environment, but also as a legacy from the past.

In those years I learned a lot.

I confirmed the importance of observing reality from other perspectives and learned about the so-called biological memories that lead human beings to live a life that is not entirely their own. Memories which are transmitted from one generation to the next and lead us to act according to pre-established schemes for which there are pre-determined, automatic, responses which we are unaware of I learned that illness, behaviors, events, coincidences are nothing more than a great plot of rhythms and cycles within which mankind has always moved. I found it easy to relate cause and effect, and it amused me, once I observed the obvious symptom, to trace the triggering cause. Everything was simple, almost mechanical, and the human brain appeared like a gear of which I knew every part and of which I was able to predict the reaction to a given stimulus. I came to know about my fears, because of the response mechanisms for my brain and my behavior. Finally, I learned the mastery of my life.

In the end, I felt like a new person, able to tackle the next stretch of the road. I had learned to “read” people with the simple observation of what externally appeared in their life: the shape of the body, the movements, the habits, the voice, the way of speaking, the car, the house or the favorite tv program… in short, to read what, with a technical term, are called the “manifested” of people, and to master the techniques that help in solving the mechanisms triggered by fears.

I also learned another thing: the basic mechanism, triggered by the brain and which leads to illness, at whatever level it manifests, can be modified but not removed definitively. You can learn to identify the reason behind an illness and resolve it in the shortest possible time, but you cannot change the mechanism that triggers for that reason, because it is structural; that is, it is part of the very structure of the brain.

I was happy about the great knowledge I acquired, but the fact that the structure could not be changed made the brain appear to me as a machine whose metal gears make it rigid and unsuitable for evolution…

This sounded strange to me, however, thinking that it was part of my other life, which I continued to keep separate from everyday life, I paid no attention to this strangeness. After all, I was an architect who delighted in learning more about life and observing different things just for personal growth.

Although I was looking for justifications to avoid deepening this knowledge, I realized that I had learned to think differently even in everyday life and I felt that my two realities were approaching each other much faster than I imagined.

Today I know that I had activated an energy mechanism so strongly that only my unconsciousness at the time could think of being able to keep separate even a small part of what surrounded me. I was not aware, but in every aspect of my life I had begun to ask myself direct questions and seek the most immediate answer, often overcoming the barriers of rational thinking.

In this way I had come to a certainty: in my existence I aspired to evolve in every single aspect of myself. I didn’t yet know how I was going to apply all of this to all areas of my life, but I sensed that I would find a way. I was beginning to enter the order of ideas according to which my two realities were perhaps not so separate and distinct after all.

Just as I understood the need to bring my two realities back to unity, I did something instinctively, which I didn’t fully understand at the time: after thanking the Universe for the opportunity given to study these techniques, I decided that I had to embark on a new path, completely different. I wasn’t sure why I had done it, but I sensed that I needed to look elsewhere.

My studies proceeded in an apparently disordered way: human anatomy manuals and classical physics treatises, alternated with the discoveries of scientists who, from time to time, defined their discipline as new medicine, new genetics, new science… as if to point out distance from classical science. And again: prayer treatises, shamanic theories, bio-geology, Celtic myths and legends, archaeo-astronomy… Everything gathered in my mind and the notes came to life from the pages piled up on my desk. I wasn’t interested in the extreme diversity with which the concepts were explained, since I realized that all the knowledge, I acquired carried me towards the certain direction: the existence of a reality, much broader and more articulated than the human beings of this historical time are accustomed to think.

Finally, I found the lowest common denominator that united those seemingly so disparate studies; all theories, techniques, sciences, meditations… converged towards a single focal point: everything is a single path.

I had the certainty, always confirmed by new discoveries, that everything was One. It has never failed me, and I have drawn the maximum benefits from this certainty since it puts me in a situation of lightness, allowing me to take and learn from everything.

At some point, however, I stopped.

After six years of studying and researching, I was forced to stop because I found in all the disciplines a particular common point, an axiom which, from my point of view, gave no possibility of unlocking.

Every science, theory, discipline of any kind seemed to find a single possible solution for the well-being of human beings; this solution can be summed up in the phrase “pay the utmost attention”. It meant, once the cause of human illness had been identified (whether it was anguish, lack of harmony, anxiety, existential aching, sadness, poverty or something else) that it could not be ignored. The cause of the disease, which is more simply defined as “disharmony”, according to most theories cannot disappear, since, inexorably, it will recur again and again in the person’s life.

The only solution for all disciplines – new or old – is to “pay attention”, i.e. identify the disharmony as it arises, and make it last as little time as possible, intervening in various ways to immediately solve it.

I found this everywhere as a solution, both in the case of “new” sciences and ancient texts.

The indicated rules to keep disharmony at bay are a little different and, depending on the discipline that is being taken into consideration, whether meditation, prayer, simple careful and aware observation of the world around us, or real fight, just like in some shamanic traditions…

Beyond the different solutions indicated for lowering the threshold of disharmony, the lowest common denominator that unites these disciplines remains that human beings must deal with their own disharmony throughout the course of life on Earth.

Although they were born with infinite potential, they seem somehow destined – for themselves or for reasons determined by their own kind or by the surrounding environment, by beliefs, convictions, traditions, memories, learned or inherited – to always keep on the alert, continuously activating themself in order to oppose the slightest resistance and let themself be carried gently away by the flow of life.

You can learn to identify the reason behind an illness and resolve it in the shortest possible time, but you cannot change the mechanism that triggers for that reason, because it is structural; that is, it is part of the very structure of the brain.

In making the necessary considerations, a strong sense of sadness invaded me while thinking of this human condition. However, I knew I could do nothing to change all this. In fact, I had enough knowledge to understand that it is not possible to interfere in any way with the free will of others. On the other hand, I knew for sure that one can and must change oneself.

I had treasured the knowledge about myself, I knew what my biological needs were, my survival strategies, my project – meaning, my life goal … All the knowledge acquired prevented me from thinking in one direction and it also prevented me from taking into consideration, as the only one, the eventuality that my life wanted to be spent in paying maximum attention, meditating or other similar things…

From quantum mechanics, I had learned that the solutions for every single event are infinite, and I sensed that this could be just one of the solutions. Furthermore, I had the strong feeling that all the methods, proposed to keep disharmony at bay, were excellent, but that none were for me, since they aimed at obtaining a solution that I did not consider valid for my personal choice of life. I imagined myself intent on concentrating my attention to avoid entering my personal disharmony. I saw myself concentrated on leading a pleasant daily life, in the constant search for balance and harmony, in an exhausting slalom between the stakes of life itself; in this way I would not have had the time and energy to do anything else.

I had other things in mind for myself.

I wanted to have well-being at all levels, always and constantly, without having to search for and rebuild them every time. I aspired to lead my life without paying full attention, free from the continuous energetic effort of controlling the surrounding reality or the fear of losing the benefits acquired due to my distraction.

Well-being, at all levels, had to become a fact in my life, acquired definitively and always in natural balance. This would allow me to go on and dedicate myself to doing something else.  In fact, I was and I am still convinced that the goal of every human being is to evolve, and that well-being, joy, economic prosperity, romantic relationships, fulfilling work… are the starting point and not the arrival point for the journey.

I made my decision: if I didn’t find what I was looking for in the writings and studies of others, it meant that this kind of solution was my personal need… so I would have had to find it myself.

I decided to find it.

I would have intentionally made the quantum leap by choosing to experience the possibility of freedom from any opposition; therefore, the harmonious balance in all areas of my life and at all levels.

I liked this idea a lot, above all for two reasons: on the one hand, it allowed me to solve what up to that moment seemed to be only a problem of mine, and which therefore no one else had any interest in solving it. On the other hand, it allowed me to more and more apply myself to the research that I was passionate about.

I began the research that further changed my life. The new path had now acquired a primary place in my daily life. I stopped practicing my profession for two years – which has always fascinated me and continues to excite me – and I immersed myself in the new research; totally. I devoted about twenty hours a day to my studies, and another four to sleep: nothing else mattered to me, only my passion.

It was, in fact, pure passion. The pure passion which, not responding to any of the known laws and rules, assumes the behavior it deems most suited to itself, often reaching all-encompassing peaks. as in my case.

That it was passion, beautiful and flamboyant, total and pure, alive and intimate, I had certainty of it when, once I found the instrument I was looking for, harmony and balance began to flow within me, together with the new awareness….


So, I made my mind up: to deliberatly take the quantum leap.

At this point it is essential to clarify what I mean by this definition and, to do so, I will open a brief parenthesis that illustrates one of the ways in which reality is “manifested” according to quantum physics.

The quantum is the minimum defined and indivisible value of a physical quantity that can vary only by multiples of this value. This is the minimum amount of “matter” sufficient in order to be studied in the laboratory. According to quantum physics, all of reality – if observed in its “manifestation” in the form of particles and not of waves – is made up of an infinity of quanta of light, which are called photons.

The quanta of light thus create reality.

Imagine observing a sequence of these luminous points that follow one after the other creating very thin threads. On each of these threads there are different possibilities of life, which are precisely called quantum possibilities. Reality is therefore given by infinite trails of photons, which run like parallel lines, each carrying a quantum possibility.

The quantum possibilities are therefore also infinite. This is the principle upon which the theory of quantum physics is based. According to this science, in fact, there are multiple possibilities for each single event, i.e. for each specific circumstance there may be different results. These possibilities already exist, all realized on different trails of photons. This means that every possibility has already been created and is present in our world, and that, if we want to move from one result to another, we can do a sort of lane jump, from one photon trail to another. This shift is called quantum leap.

What I intended to do, therefore, was this: to pass from the trail of photons in which my life had found itself up to that moment, – in which I now lived with discomfort due to the presence and of the cyclic repetition of my disharmonies – in the trail of photons in which my life was free from any disharmony and from any cellular memory inherited or acquired from the outside, therefore not mine.

I was very clear on the line of quantum possibilities that I was looking for and on which I had chosen to live. In fact, I was looking for the trail of photons in which there is the possibility of changing cellular information; this trail combines a series of corollaries, not least the possibility of changing all the information.

All, none excluded.

These reasonings strengthened me in continuing the research, striving to achieve that goal in the shortest space of linear time. It goes without saying that by my nature I am inclined to accelerate whenever I deem it useful for me.

Despite the great enthusiasm, I felt like a fly slamming against a glass, just when it seems to see the way out. Indeed, quantum science has not yet found or, if it has, has not yet explained and disclosed the way to make the leap.

Until now we have relied on a kind of randomness, which sometimes happens and sometimes doesn’t. For example, humans have coined the term “luck” to explain the quantum leap that some people sometimes manage to make. A multi-million dollar win can change people’s lives, even in the smallest details of everyday life. It can change not only the relationship with money, but also with work, interpersonal relationships, etc. On closer inspection, however, luck is represented as a blindfolded goddess who, fleeting and inconstant, suddenly strikes and then, just as suddenly, vanishes, thus demonstrating its total and absolute “randomness”.

Even a major earthquake can change a person’s life radically. Suddenly without a home, possessions and, sometimes, without a family, the individual finds him/herself having to invent a new way of life. Since human beings are inclined to always make judgments, in this case we will speak of tragedy.

However, if we see it from the point of view of profound change, whether it is a tragedy or a fluke, we can say that we have made a quantum leap.

The quantum is the minimum defined and indivisible value of a physical quantity that can vary only by multiples of this value. This is the minimum amount of “matter” sufficient in order to be studied in the laboratory. According to quantum physics, all of reality – if observed in its “manifestation” in the form of particles and not of waves – is made up of an infinity of quanta of light, which are called photons.

For photon trails there is no concept of good or bad, they just exist, and, relying on randomness, we will find ourself walking on some or others, it doesn’t matter which ones.

I had decided to change my life and make the quantum leap by passing exactly in the photon trail of my choice, so I had to find the way by myself, avoiding relying on “randomness”. From this point of view, it is commonplace to say that randomness does not exist. In fact, from the point of view of photon trails, even randomness is a quantum possibility, so you can decide to experience it or not.

I had chosen to live differently, and I knew there was a solution to how to do it, I just had to find it. I was off to a good start, because I knew what I was looking for: a way to change my life, the one on this side of the veil. I must admit that I had one more chance to succeed in the discovery: the knowledge of that other reality, where everything was revealed to me so that I could understand it easily.

I also had valuable help from all the tools I had learned to use through my studies. And then I was passionate about the adventure and this is another element that can help a lot, in similar cases… So I started.

From the beginning I had had the strong intuition that the solution to what I was looking for was given by the point of intersection between science, understood in the literal sense of the term, and what I simply call Spirituality.

When I speak of Spirituality, I am referring to that which is intangible to human beings, as they cannot perceive its existence through the five senses. The intangible part – one can say unknown, because it is not manifested in the usual ways – nevertheless corresponds to 90% of the universe, therefore it is impossible for humanity to ignore it.

According to the researchers, who have reconstructed the creation of our universe with computer models and the so-called “Big Bang” through which it originated, shortly after the instant of the explosion, 90% of the Universe disappears.

That is, given a mass of matter equal to 100, immediately after the explosion, only about 10% remains. Where did the rest of it go?

We know, through studying our reality, that quanta vibrate at different speeds, giving us different consistencies of “matter” which, for convenience, I will define as more or less compact. Therefore, sticking to this definition, I will say that rocks have a low vibration, so they are deciphered by human sensors as more compact; living beings have a higher vibration, and they have a less compact structure, and so on until we arrive, with increasing vibrations, to increasingly less compact structures, such as gases, air and much more…

Elements like air and light, vibrating at very high speeds, are intangible but this does not compromise their existence and their use by human beings. Consider, for example, the fact that many odorless, tasteless, colorless, impalpable and inaudible gases are however harnessed by man inside containers and used for his own well-being. With these assumptions it can be said that we continually use elements which, although intangible and not manifest, are considered to exist in our reality.

Cosmologists have hypothesized that about 90% of the mass originally constituting the Universe, imprinted upon itself, immediately after the explosion, or perhaps contextually with it, a vibration so high as to have become imperceptible for the remaining 10%, and therefore for human beings too who are part of that 10%. They believe, however, that such a mass exists and is all around us, vibrating so high as to be insubstantial to our senses.

I fully agree with this theory, as for me the reality “all around” is often tangible in the literal sense of the word.

The solution I was looking for was found at the crossroads between known and unknown, corporeal and incorporeal, evident and invisible. Only one small problem of methodological approach remained to be overcome: the whole of the Universe, as a field of research, seemed a bit too vast to me, even with all the tools I had. However, I’ve never given up on logic in favor of intuitiveness, nor have I ever done the opposite, so I’ve learned to use the tool that turns out to be the best if necessary. So, once again, intuition came to my aid with another principle; the law according to which what is contained in the infinitely large is also enclosed in the infinitely small. That is, the Universe is holographic, and everything contained in the whole is also within each single part of it.

I therefore this principle which, by intuition, I felt was useful and passed it on to logic, to reflect and to reason on what could be an element of smaller dimensions that behaves like the Universe. The answer came quickly: the human brain. In fact, even scientists say that only a percentage between five and ten percent of its potential is used.

Here I could narrow the field of my research to an area much closer to me: my brain. This choice had several advantages, not least of always having the object of my study available.


The functioning of the human brain has been studied for a long time and by various disciplines. It is known that the brain is always active and functioning at any time of the day, even when the body is at rest, therefore not only in the so-called waking states but also during sleep. Scientifically, the activity of the brain is expressed through the emission of waves that are precisely called brain waves. They are given by small differences in electric potential and, although attenuated, they are measurable on the surface of the scalp. Their order of magnitude is tens of micro Volts (1 microVolt = uV = 1 millionth of a Volt). Brain activity, and the consequent emission of oscillating waves, can be measured and displayed through a machine that reports the data on a graphic tracing called an electroencephalogram.

A typical example of an EEG trace is the following.

There are four main types of brain waves, classified according to the frequency, i.e. the number of oscillations per second, which are measured in Hertz. 1Hz = 1 cycle/sec.

Let’s see below the four types (measured so far) of waves emitted by the human brain:

Beta waves: they have a frequency that varies from 14 to 30 Hz and are associated with normal waking activities, when the individual is concentrated on external stimuli. Beta waves are the basis of the fundamental activities of survival, ordering, selection and evaluation of the stimuli that come from the world around. For example, as we read these lines, our brain is producing beta waves. They then allow for the fastest reaction and quick execution of actions.

Alpha waves: thave a frequency that varies between 8 and 14 Hz, and are characteristic of states of relaxation and meditation when the mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems, or on reaching a light meditative state. Alpha waves dominate in introspective moments, or in those in which the concentration to achieve a specific goal is more acute. They are especially active at the time of falling asleep and when we first wake up, when we are on the edge between wakefulness and sleep.

Theta waves: they have a frequency that varies between 4 and 8 Hz, characteristics of the dream state; they are typical of the mind engaged in activities of imagination, visualization, creative inspiration. They tend to be produced during deep meditation. The daydream, the REM stage of sleep, the one in which we dream. In waking activities theta waves are the sign of a deeply rooted intuitive knowledge and imagination. They are generally associated with creativity and artistic aptitudes.

Delta waves: they have a frequency between 0.5 and 4 Hz and are associated with the deepest psychophysical relaxation. The lowest frequency brain waves are those of the unconscious mind, dreamless sleep, total abandonment. In this sense they are produced during the unconscious processes of self-generation and self-healing.

The transitional waves between alpha and beta are also called SMR (Sensory Motor Rythm). High-frequency waves, from around 25Hz, are also called gamma waves.

Up to here, what all the manuals report regarding the brain’s brain activity and its behavior over time and space.

From here I could start to make my considerations. After seeing how brain waves work, I understood that the solution I was looking for was right there, also because, as explained by quantum mechanics, the rule according to which reality manifests itself in the form of particles of matter, is only one of two. There is another way which is that of the wave. This duality of behavior in the manifestation of contingent reality has been used in the Quantum Field Theory, which realizes the wave-particle duality by associating the particles with energy quanta of corresponding wave fields. For example, the quanta of the electromagnetic field are associated with photons. In this way, the absolute identity of all particles of the same type becomes evident.

Starting from this duality, I deduced that brain waves are the way the brain creates reality and interacts with it in the same form: the wave. By observing the behavior of the brain and the phases of use of the different brain waves, I also realized what was the relationship between the latter and the various disciplines I had taken into consideration. I understood that traditional science using logical-rational reasoning mainly uses the beta waves. In fact they are waves of ordering, selection and evaluation of the stimuli that come from the world outside the individual. It has been said that they are also the waves that allow the fastest reaction, which means that they are the waves produced by the brain when one has access to the so-called “automatic responses”, in other words to the archive of biologically inherited responses, according to some theories, or learned from the surrounding environment, according to other theories. An archive which is somehow extraneous to the individual, and it is placed in the midbrain, the area of the brain where there are also emotions. They are therefore the waves used for the solution of disharmony, in the classical scientific disciplines. In any case, the shallow and very frequent beta waves were not what I was looking for. They deal with managing most of the 5% of the brain’s potential that human beings are used to employ since millennia. Instead, I wanted to find access to the remaining 95% of these potentials and consequently to the still unknown part of the Universe.

Then I took into consideration the alpha waves which are of lower frequency than the beta, therefore deeper. As mentioned above, scientific studies show that alpha waves dominate in introspective moments, or in those in which the concentration to achieve a specific goal is more acute. It is easy to understand that they are the same waves used for the solution to disharmony in the disciplines which foresee the use of “positive thinking”, in those which prescribe the chanting of mantras or the recitation of prayers in which the cadenced recitation of sounds or words causes a sort of light trance state, and in other disciplines where shallow states of meditation are expected. I already knew, from having personally experienced them, that these methods prove to be valid, but if you suspend mindful attention, you interrupt the positive process triggered. Therefore, in order to continue to obtain benefits from such practices, one must continue punctually in the discipline, and keep the level of attention high. All things that do not suit my need for an ongoing change that is badly suited to repetition, of any kind. I realized that consciously using alpha waves is equivalent, for the brain, to superimposing a new file of only two megabits on top of an older file, already present (in some parts for thousands of years, and in other parts for millions of years). ) in its memory, and having a potential equal to hundreds of thousands of terabits. The new file, understood as a higher vibration, works at first, but as the new vibration loosens, it is put out of order and erased by the older and more powerful one which takes over again. I knew that this can only happen because you choose to overlay a new, less powerful file on top of the old file known to your brain, so I asked myself the question: “When and how can this work? How to change the file, or – if you prefer – the vibration, and stabilize the new way of being for the brain?

I thought of a basic structure like, say, the foundations of an old building; to strengthen and improve them without demolishing the part above, a new structure is not superimposed, but a new and technologically better part is created, which interacts by integrating with the old one, or, better, with its still efficient and useful parts. In the same way, I should have interacted with the old file contained in my brain, that is, removing the parts that had become useless for my life and replacing them with new ones created by me and, therefore, more suited to my existence. It can be understood that this is not feasible with the usual methods and therefore with beta and alpha waves; I had to work with different, slower waves to go deeper and operate on programs that are often found at unconscious levels of being.


I understood that the best waves to get the result were theta and delta. It has been said that, according to scientific studies, these waves are active during the stages of dreamy sleep and deep sleep. It was necessary to have the possibility to use these waves on a conscious level; this was the real tool I was looking for.

As far as theta waves are concerned, it has been said that they have sometimes also been measured in subjects in a state of wakefulness in situations of great creativity, and, therefore, immersed in a sort of creative trance. As mentioned, in waking activities theta waves are the sign of an intuitive knowledge and a deeply rooted imaginative capacity. They are generally associated with creativity and artistic aptitudes. Of course, I had often found myself in that condition: when I was intent on planning, when I connected to what I called “the other reality”, when I wrote… I was therefore well aware of the conscious use of theta waves, both for personal experience and for having studied the method codified by a specific discipline in recent years. However, I understood that I needed something different, that went beyond what theta waves allowed me. In fact, although they come to interact with the old file, they are not sufficient to replace considerable parts of it, since by their very nature they are based, for the activity, on the midbrain, where, it has been said, emotions are present, but also the inherited or acquired automatic responses. Therefore, it is, for such waves, impossible to escape from some of the deep-seated automatic responses, and the changes wrought through them are relative and never absolute. Through theta waves changes can be made in the individual, in relation to the “habits” of other individuals, therefore relative. One can, for example, change the state of disease into a condition of well-being, but, due to disharmony, the individual has lost the very image of “well-being”, the theta waves will give an idea of well-being according to the common thought. Often, this relative image is easily removed because it is reabsorbed by the old file. With my experience, I have understood that through theta waves one does not have the possibility of accessing what I call the Personal Vibration of each individual – which I will discuss in depth in the next paragraphs – within which it is possible to find the state of absolute-best well-being for that specific individual. It is possible to give only an image of well-being corresponding to statistical values. If we think about what has just been said, translating it into the behavioral sphere of people, we will have the projection of stereotyped images – think of the idea of good, of joy, of happiness… – based on clichés and not on a personal awareness. In this way, it is as though a pattern was removed from the individual, to replace it with another fact, however, of value judgments which, according to my way of thinking, makes individuals no longer such, but always and in any case homologated, albeit in happiness.

The result, achievable through the use of these waves, excellent in any way, was not enough for me. I had entered the order of ideas of finding the definitive solution and moving on to do something else.

I realized that what I was looking for could only start from delta waves. We only know that they are produced in the area of the frontal lobes called the Zone of Silence. An area considered inaccessible on a conscious level.

My two years of research have been used to find ways to have conscious access to them in order to be able to use them.


Do not ask me to demonstrate with laboratory experiments what I will say below, because I would not know how to do it. However, what I know – following various empirical experiences – is that, through the use of these waves, it is possible to profoundly change the life of people, in order to go back to living in perfect balance with the whole Universe, as it is in their nature. Those who have experienced this with me over the past two years can attest to it, as they have seen their lives change dramatically. They have made the choice of the quantum reality they wished to experience and are in harmony with the Whole. From beings needing help, they have become beings able to help, as they have regained the mastery of their lives.

As far as I’m concerned, I’ll just try to explain the functioning of everything that I like to define as one way, among the many possible ones, to make the quantum leap. A way to change one’s reality and follow new quantum possibilities of realizing one’s life.

I will talk about my experience and the message received regarding the “Law of Dimensions”, which I have come to understand thanks to the use of the innate ability to connect with parts of the Universe in which it is also possible to learn about completely unknown disciplines. Or, if you prefer to see it from a biological point of view, what I have come to understand by reactivating the memories that have always been present in my cells and dormant for millennia. This demonstrates that what is contained in what was previously defined as the ancient file is still partially valid. In fact, it contains information that is still very precious for human beings today, it only depends on the use they make of it.

The Law of Dimensions is implemented through the conscious use of delta waves, and it helps to manifest one’s reality on all dimensional Planes of Existence.

Through the Law of Dimensions, and the consequent use of delta waves, we can create our reality on any plane of both our dimension and others.

What I know is that while theta waves have propagation mediated in resonance with the Universe, and therefore do not act immediately in the reality in which we are bodily and materially immersed, delta waves have a multiple characteristic, i.e., they are both propagated immediate in resonance with the Universe, for our material bodily reality and for all other realities in which human beings exist, both of programmed propagation in resonance with the Universe. This means that through them one is able to interact both on the third dimensional Plane of Existence, which is the one in which the Earth and the human beings who are now, and in the other twenty-two dimensional Planes of Existence, in which every being human exists even though it is not materially found in them. This is because the Law of Dimensions transcends the laws of the third Plane of Existence.

The statement I have just made has far-reaching implications. In fact, reasoning on the relative corollaries, this Law allows the access the immortality, the immunity, the infinity and the immateriality that are typical of other Planes of Existence. The Law of Dimensions was known in some of its parts also by the Ancient People, in a time very distant from ours. However, I know that this law has never been known in its entirety and in the form just described, on Earth. In fact, when the Old Folk operated under this law, they had to do so on another dimensional Plane. The individual moved with his own being to another Plane of Existence and from there he could use the law. Such a way has never allowed the Earth to fully utilize the full potential of the delta. Now, the possibility of using this law in its entirety in our dimensional Plan has a very broad meaning, and the opportunities allowed by its use are easily understood. For example, through it you can access the laws regarding the time convention. As a convention, time is an element closely linked to the dimensional Plane of Human Existence, therefore irrelevant to the Law in question. It follows that one of the corollaries proper to the Law is the immortality of the body, since the laws to which it has been subject up to now are linked to the conventions of linear time which determine its cycle and therefore also aging and death.

Furthermore, the Law of the Delta gives access to a different use of matter, since this too is linked to a human convention which is that of space. In this field, already in the past, there are evidences of the use of matter in different ways. Think for example of some martial arts in which it is possible to walk in the air even if for a very short interval of time, not to mention those who have walked on waters…

Different ways of using matter, until now defined as miraculous or almost miraculous, while with the knowledge of the Law of Dimensions, make possible to give rise to the dematerialization of the body and of anything present in the current dimensional Plan and the materialization in any other point of Universal Vibration.

Since this information is so important, it was natural for me to ask the Universe to understand what the ultimate purpose of using this Law is, and the answer was as simple as it was surprising: “Bringing well-being to the world”.


The Law of Dimensions transcends the other Laws of Physics, which are present in the human bodily plane of existence. It is not subject to them. It surpasses the Law of Compensation, proper to this dimension, and does not alter the balance of the Earth when it is used. This means that no problems are created in any part of the globe or in any other dimension. It has been given to us for the greater good of ourselves and of the whole universe. Even if you are skeptical about it, it can still be used, because it is a Law and it works.

To use it, it is necessary to unlock the frontal lobes, and then free the so-called “Area of Silence”. Unblocking this Area of the brain is equivalent to using the delta waves that form there on a conscious level and in a waking state.

After having done the breakouts, through practice we arrive at mastery in the conscious use of delta waves and, through them, we move on to the active phase which consists in locating the “map” of all aspects of one’s life. This serves to identify very clearly where, how and when to make the desired and useful things happen to satisfy one’s needs. Thanks to the knowledge of the map, it is very easy to operate since the reality is created in the exact point of the photonic trail – corresponding to the quantum possibility that one is experiencing- that one most wishes to change. Observing from another point of view, we go about making the quantum leap by heading exactly on the photonic trail that most interests us to live as a new possibility.

This was my first introduction to what I called the Delta Law. Later I came to other conclusions and new understanding.

What I know is that deltas are very slow waves, therefore broad and deep. They have a very high vibration, such as to allow them to interact with everything and to allow them to make the quantum leap.

The most important thing is that through them we can access our own maximum vibration, therefore, 90 – 95% of the Universe or, if we want, of the potential of the brain that we do not use, and have the conscious image of it.

The Law of Dimensions takes place through the conscious use of delta waves and helps the manifestation of one’s reality on all dimensional Planes of Existence.

This means that when we change our lives, we do not introduce other beliefs or beliefs borrowed from the outside, but we can project what is the absolute best for us. It means that delta waves no longer give the relative image of a part, but the absolute image of the Whole.

In other words, they allow us to access the circular time of the Universe, moving us away from temporal linearity and giving us the possibility of continuously making quantum leaps.

The delta gives access to what I call the Personal Vibration, of which now I will only say that it is given by all the space-time crossings possible for each individual, reserving the right to explain it in detail shortly. Do you have any idea of the enormity of this in human life?

It means that we can consciously choose which course we want to follow in our lives, in every sector that concerns us, in every little facet of everyday life.

It shows that we can choose which situation we want to live in terms of physical, economic, emotional, intellectual, spiritual well-being…

By raising our vibrations, we have more tools to create our reality. In other words, we have the possibility of harmonizing ourselves with the Whole, with the Universe, and of drawing from it what we need, at any level. Finally, we have the possibility to choose in which lane to continue our life. It is clear that to do this you need to vibrate at the same speed as the photons that make up this reality. Therefore, I say that to make the change you need to be able to vibrate in delta, whose vibration is equal to that of light.

Furthermore, since everything concerning human beings belongs to a specific “Plane of Existence”, with delta waves you can decide what to manifest and where. Through them you have unconditional access to all Planes and you can interact with all Energies. This further establishes a fine line between theta and delta waves in creating one’s reality. In fact, it has been said that the main difference consists in the fact that theta waves are waves of mediated propagation in resonance with the Universe, while delta waves are waves of immediate and programmed propagation in resonance with the Universe. Now it can be said that this means that the former propagates in the Universe through a medium, something that supports them, while delta waves propagate anyway, regardless of the Whole. Thetas propagate in matter, without whose substrate they could not exist, while deltas exist regardless of it. Therefore, this is also the reason why deltas exist on all dimensional Planes of Existence, while thetas exist only on the Planes where the vibration is the lowest. And again, what does it mean that delta waves are waves of programmed propagation in resonance with the Universe?

It means that the effect required by the waves, since it takes place in the quantum reality in which there is no space-time convention, can be programmed so that it materializes in a given time and space, according to the rules of the dimensional reality in which the Earth is now. The immediate consequence is that delta waves, if used consciously, give access to: immunity, immortality, infinity, transcendence of the laws concerning the three dimensions, immateriality….

The only law concerning delta waves is called “the Law of Dimensions” and, as already mentioned, has never been known in this form on Earth until now.

It is not subject to any principle of Physics, nor does it disturb what is subject to it. It is simply able to interface with the Whole by changing only what is necessary, without any side effects.

It simply IS.

Anything can be done with it and it will soon be accessible to everyone. In some books, I described the method that I defined and with which it is possible to understand where we are at this moment in life, where we want to go and, above all, how to get there.

Only later, about 15 years after the first discoveries and after much experimentation with people from various parts of the world, did I create the EL method.

A method born with the intention of helping people to improve and/or change their lives.

It is effective for anyone who wants to transform their reality using only their own brain potential.