Esoteric self-knowledge leads to a complete change in all personal values; like a trusted mentor the awakened Sophia instructs and accompanies man towards “other Heavens”.

The man who chooses his own interiority gives less and less space to the phenomenal illusion of the senses and to the suggestions of the mind; he, please, is turned with constituent attention to the essential things of Life, the only, living Reality.

The “Living” life is lived exclusively if the higher Self is in command of personal experience. An important step in this journey is to fully accept that personality is but a very limited phase of human experience and that true existence is never immediately involved in it; identified in the personal structure, existence can only be idealized.

Many are content to live the idea of life they have inherited, others instead wonder about what lies behind the veil of appearances, and until they find the answer to their whys they suffer from the “Divine discontent” that has always urged man to search “beyond the line of the sky“. . . Then, what is Man?