“The Earth speaks to those who know how to listen: the stories of the sky and the sea, of the fire and the air are hidden in her whispers. Listening to her breathing, we rediscover the ancient rhythm of life and find our place in the eternal cycle of nature.” – Prem Antonino

My discovery of Shamanism: a path that intertwines Worlds and Wisdoms

My spiritual journey began at a very young age, I was14 years old, when, leafing through the pages of “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse, an inner fire lit up inside me. It was a revelation, the desire to emancipate myself from the chains of human suffering and the perpetual cycle of life, death and rebirth. Siddharta became the symbol of the spiritual freedom I yearned for, and with it my thirst for knowledge about Buddhism, Hinduism, Tao and Tantra opened up, philosophies that I studied and lived, traveling around the world in search of their essence.

The turning point came with an encounter that might have seemed casual, but which was actually a predetermined stage in my destiny: my first experience with the Australian aborigines, custodians of a knowledge that resonated with the deepest strings of my being. From that moment on, my travels to Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Central Africa, the United States and Australia became a pilgrimage towards ancestral wisdom, a continuous dialogue with ancient traditions and philosophies, including the shamanic one that has now accompanied me for over twenty years.

The teachings of emblematic figures such as Osho, Sai Baba, Buddha and Master Jesus have shaped my spirit, as well as the direct experience with mentors such as Hermano Brother Ichu, Mamani, the Shipibo people and contemporary luminaries in the field of shamanism such as Sandra Ingerman, Heather Ash and Michael Harner. I learned from the wise men and curanderos, absorbing their visions and making them my own, weaving together the fabric of a practice that combines the depth of shamanism with the most modern techniques of spiritual evolution.

Today, my work is not just a profession, but a bridge that connects ancient rituals to new techniques for the well-being of human beings. Every session, every ritual I lead, is a sacred encounter, a moment in which ancient knowledge intertwines with the needs of the present, creating a symphony that resonates with the energy of the Earth.

My life is an ongoing learning process and, as an eternal student, I welcome the wisdom that surrounds me every day, letting myself be guided by the whisper of the Earth.

To learn more about my story and my experiences, I invite you to visit my biography. Here you will find the stories of how I have woven my life with the golden thread of shamanism, a path that winds through thousand-year- old teachings and encounters that have marked my path towards awareness.

The first meeting with the Spirit of the Earth: an important moment in my Spiritual journey

My first real encounter with the Spirit of the Earth took place in a place that seemed suspended out of time, an ancient forest where the centuries-old trees seemed to guard forgotten stories. I was there, immersed in silence, when a sudden feeling of deep connection with nature enveloped me. It was not so much a visual or auditory experience, but rather an internal perception, an intuition that reawakened ancestral memories.

I felt the earth beneath my feet as if it were communicating through a wordless language, a language made of sensations, emotions and profound knowledge. The roots of the trees, sinking into the fertile earth, seemed to extend into my being, intertwining with my essence. In that moment, I understood that every grain of earth, every stone and every leaf was imbued with life and wisdom, and that I too was part of it.

The Spirit of the Earth taught me humility and resilience. He showed me that, like the earth that welcomes the seeds and nourishes them until they flower, I too could be fertile, capable of growing and transforming life experiences into wisdom. He taught me the value of silence, listening and patience, qualities that the Earth embodies with absolute grace.

This experience has profoundly influenced my spiritual journey. It expanded my perception of reality, teaching me that every element of nature is interconnected in a delicate balance. The Spirit of the Earth became a constant guide on my journey, reminding me of the importance of staying grounded, of nurturing and respecting life in all its forms.

Since then, I have integrated this deep connection with the Earth into my practices and teachings. In sessions with my clients, I encourage the rediscovery of this sacred relationship, helping them find balance and harmony in their lives. I teach them to recognize and appreciate the simple, yet profound wisdom that the Earth generously offers to those who are willing to listen.

This first encounter with the Spirit of the Earth was not only a moment of spiritual awakening, but also the beginning of a journey of inner discovery that continues to this day. It is a path that taught me to live in harmony with myself, with others and with the world around me, a journey that I share with joy and gratitude with anyone who crosses my path.

The Five Elements in Shamanism: A Shamanic Overview

In Shamanism, the elements of Aether, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth are not simply physical components of the world around us; they are spiritual entities, living energies that interact with us and through us, offering wisdom and power to those who know how to listen to them.

Aether: often overlooked in Western cultures, the Aether is considered the spirit that permeates all things. It is the element that connects the physical world with the spiritual world, acting as a bridge between humans and the divine. In a Shamanic practice, Aether is associated with intuition, inner vision and spiritual realization. It represents infinite space, the void from which everything emerges and to which everything returns.

Fire: Fire is the element of transformation and change. In many shamanic traditions, it is a symbol of purification and renewal. Fire consumes the old, leaving room for the new. In shamanic ceremonies, Fire is often at the center of rituals, used to release negative energies and catalyze internal change.

Air: Air is the element of movement, change and connection. It is associated with the breath of life and communication. Shamans often use breath as a means to enter altered states of consciousness and connect with spirits. Air also represents the mind and the ability to think clearly, to see beyond illusions.

Water: this element is associated with fluidity, adaptability and emotional intuition. Water, in its flow, teaches us the ability to adapt to circumstances, while maintaining our essence. In shamanic rituals, water is often used for cleansing and healing, offering regeneration and renewal.

Earth: Earth is the element of stability, fertility and abundance. It is the foundation on which we build our lives, which supports and nourishes us. Shamans see the Earth as a mother, a generous entity that offers everything we need to live. Connecting with the Earth is essential to staying grounded and finding balance and harmony in life.

These five elements, in the Shamanic vision, are not separate from each other, but are interdependent parts of a single large system. They constantly interact, influencing us and being influenced by our actions and thoughts. By understanding and respecting these elements, we can learn to live in harmony with ourselves, with others and with the natural world.

Focus on the Earth element: a Shamanic Vision

At the heart of Shamanism, the Earth element occupies a place of profound sacredness and respect. The Earth, for me and for many shamanic practitioners, is more than just a component of our natural environment: it is a mother, a source of life, a spiritual entity that teaches, supports and guides.

Symbolism and Shamanic Meaning of the Earth Element

The Earth element represents stability, fertility and abundance. It is the solid ground on which we walk, the soil that supports and nourishes the plants, the deep roots that anchor themselves and give strength. In shamanic symbolism, the Earth is often associated with the mother, the maternal archetype that welcomes, protects and nourishes. It is the element that reminds us of the importance of solid foundations, sustainable growth and connection with our environment.

In many shamanic cultures, the Earth is seen as a living being, the Pachamama, Mother Earth. She is revered and treated with great respect, as she provides everything we need to live: food, water, shelter and medicine.

This deep connection with the Earth is a call to live responsibly and sustainably, honoring the resources offered to us.

Manifestation of the Earth Element in Daily Life and Spiritual Practice

In daily life, the Earth element manifests itself in multiple ways. Every time we walk barefoot on the grass, work the soil in our garden, or simply observe the nature around us, we are interacting with the Earth element. These moments can become opportunities for spiritual connection, reminding us to stay grounded and present in the moment.

In my shamanic practice, I use the Earth element to help people find balance and centering. Through meditations that involve the visualization of roots extending into the ground, I encourage the release of negative energies and the absorption of renewed energy from the earth. This helps stabilize personal energy and strengthen the sense of belonging to the world.

Rituals involving the Earth, such as planting seeds or building natural altars, are powerful practices that symbolize growth, transformation, and new beginnings. Furthermore, these activities teach us the importance of patience, perseverance and respect for the natural cycles of life.

In conclusion, the Earth element in a Shamanic practice is not just a symbol, but a living source of wisdom and strength. Its presence in our daily lives invites us to slow down, be more aware and build a deeper and more respectful relationship with the natural world. Through the Earth, we can learn to live more harmoniously and centeredly, embracing the beauty and richness of life in every aspect.

My Connection with the Earth: a Visionary Journey into the Amazonian Rainforest

In my shamanic journey, one of the most transformative and intense episodes took place in the beating heart of the Brazilian Amazon forest. During a sacred ceremony, where the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds thins, I had the honor of participating in a ritual with the sacred drink Ayahuasca. This experience led me on a journey deep into the bowels of Pachamama, a descent into the very source of creation.

Meeting with the Spirit of Pachamama

As Ayahuasca began its work, my consciousness expanded beyond the limits of my physical body, and I found myself traveling into the depths of the Earth. Here, Pachamama revealed herself to me not as an abstract concept, but as a living entity, pulsating with life and wisdom. She appeared in the form of an awesome spirit, a powerful, maternal presence that radiated a sense of unconditional love and deep understanding.

This spirit, which embodied the very essence of the Earth, spoke to me in a language that went beyond words, conveying a clear and powerful message: I was a visionary, and my ideas, my dreams and my visions had the power to transform the material world. Pachamama encouraged me to trust this innate ability of mine, to bring these visionary ideas into tangible reality, using my voice and actions to create a positive impact on the world.

The Lessons I Learned from Pachamama

From this extraordinary experience, I learned the importance of listening to one’s own inner voice and trusting one’ own vision. Pachamama taught me that each of us has the power to be an agent of change, to create and manifest ideas that can improve not only our lives but also those of our community and our planet.

I also realized that my connection to the Earth is not only physical, but also spiritual and creative. Pachamama showed me that every vision that arises in my heart has its roots in the wisdom of the Earth and that by nourishing these visions with concrete actions, I can contribute to a brighter and more harmonious future for all.

This visionary encounter with the Spirit of the Earth strengthened my commitment as a spiritual coach. Now, with even more passion, I guide others in finding their connection to Pachamama, helping them discover the power of their visions and manifest them in the material world.

Shamanic Practices and Rituals with the Earth Element

The Earth element, with its deep connection to life and nature, plays a crucial role in shamanic practices and rituals. Sharing some of these rituals can help anyone ground themselves and connect more deeply with this powerful element.

Native Rituals and Ceremonies with the Earth Element

Planting Ceremony: this ritual symbolizes planting intentions and nurturing dreams. You start by choosing a seed that represents a desire or goal. During the ceremony, the seed is planted in the earth, while you meditate on the intention and ask Pachamama for support in its realization. As the seed grows, so does the intention.

Conscioulsy Walking on Earth: this simple but powerful ritual involves walking barefoot on the earth, feeling each contact of your foot with the ground. It is an exercise of grounding and presence, which helps to establish a physical and spiritual connection with the Earth.

Building an Earth Altar: create a small altar or stone circle in a significant outdoors location. This sacred space can be used to meditate, offer prayers, or simply sit quietly, absorbing the Earth’s energy.

How I use these Rituals in my Life and in Spiritual Coaching

In my personal and professional life, I integrate these rituals to encourage growth, grounding and transformation. During coaching sessions, I encourage my clients to participate in planting ceremonies, helping them define and nourish their intentions. This ritual is especially powerful for those who are seeking direction or starting a new chapter in their life.

The Conscious Walk is a practice I often suggest for those who feel disconnected or stressed. This exercise helps you reconnect with the present moment and find balance and serenity.

The Earth Altar is a tool that I personally use for my daily meditation. Additionally, I teach my clients how to create their own sacred space, where they can find refuge and connection with nature and themselves.

These rituals, rooted in ancient Shamanic wisdom, offer us all a way to reconnect with the Earth and experience her gifts. Through these practices, we can learn to live with greater awareness, respect and harmony with the world around us.

Benefits of the Earth element: Stabilization and Harmony in Personal Life

The Earth element, with its innate stability and regenerating energy, offers numerous benefits for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. As a spiritual coach, I have learned to draw on these qualities to enrich both my life and the lives of my clients.

Influence and Stabilization of Personal Life

The Earth element is a symbol of solidity and reliability, qualities that can be transferred into our daily lives. When we feel unstable or disconnected, reconnecting with the Earth helps us find our center and stabilize our emotions. This connection gives us a solid foundation to build
on, reminding us that despite life’s storms, we can remain rooted and still.

Integration of Earth’s Energy for Wellbeing

Grounding Meditations: one practice I often teach is a grounding meditation, which involves visualizing roots extending from our feet into the Earth’s core. This exercise not only helps us feel more centered, but also allows us to absorb the calming energy of the Earth.

Hugging Trees: it may seem simple, but hugging a tree is a powerful exercise in connection with the Earth. Trees are living symbols of stability and growth. Spending time hugging or simply being near a tree can help bring these qualities into our lives.

Walks in Nature: walking in natural environments, especially in wooded or mountainous areas, allows us to synchronize with the natural rhythm of the Earth. These walks can be used as a time to reflect, relax and reconnect with our environment.

The Earth element, through these practices, teaches us the importance of taking care of ourselves and the world around us. It shows us how to find balance and harmony, and how to live a more grounded and centered life. Integrating this energy into our lives helps us develop greater resilience to daily stressors and cultivate a sense of peace and belonging.

Rituals with Natural Elements: using natural elements such as stones, crystals or soil in rituals or as part of home decor can help bring the Earth energy into our personal spaces. These items serve as tangible reminders of our connection to nature and the constant support it offers us.

The Earth element, through these practices, teaches us the importance of taking care of ourselves and the world around us. It shows us how to find balance and harmony, and how to live a more grounded and centered life. Integrating this energy into our lives helps us develop greater resilience to daily stressors and cultivate a sense of peace and belonging.

 Some Advices for Starting a Journey with the Earth Element

For those who wish to explore and deepen their connection with the Earth element, there are several practices and paths that can be taken. This element, with its stabilizing and nourishing energy, offers powerful tools for well-being and personal growth.

Exploring the Connection with the Earth Element

Participation in the Imayay Paqù Shamanic Master: this training course is a deep immersion in the spirit of the Earth and in the energies of the directions associated with it. Through shamanic and meditative practices, participants learn to transform their lives into a project of happiness, working with the Spirit of the Earth for guidance, strength and inspiration.

Shamanic Journey P.O.T. (Primordial Orgasmic Trip): I created this unique practice to help people connect with their Animal Guide and, through it, with the Spirit of the Earth element. This shamanic journey is a powerful tool for receiving profound insights into ourselves and the people we love. It is a practice accessible to everyone and can be tried by following my video on YouTube: Viaggio Sciamanico P.O.T. Primordial Orgasmic Trip.

These tips and practices are just the beginning of a fascinating journey into the heart of the Earth. Through working with the Earth element, we can learn to live in a more grounded and centered way, discovering the strength and wisdom that this element can bring into our lives.

 The Union of the Elements and the Shamanic Path

Concluding this journey through the wisdom of the elements and their role in shamanism, it is essential to reflect on how the balance between Aether, Fire, Air, Water and Earth is fundamental to finding harmony in our spiritual path. As a spiritual coach and shamanic practitioner, I have learned that each of these elements brings with them unique gifts and vital lessons that, when integrated, allow us to live a more complete and centered life.

The Balance of the Elements in Shamanic Practice

The Shamanic practice teaches us that each element has its place and its value. Fire offers us passion and transformation, Water teaches us adaptability and healing, Air gives us knowledge and freedom, Earth provides us with stability and nourishment, while Aether connects us to the divine and the infinite. When these elements are in balance within us, we feel more harmonious, more at peace with ourselves and with the world around us.

Listening to the Whisper of the Earth

My invitation to you, dear readers, is to listen carefully to the “whisper of the Earth”.

This whisper is not only a call to connect with the Earth element, but also an invitation to discover and cultivate your unique relationship with all the elements. Each person has a different way of interacting with these natural powers, and through this exploration, you can discover hidden aspects of yourself and unexpected ways to grow and heal.

I encourage you to experiment, play, meditate, and reflect on how each element manifests in your life. Find your own unique way to honor and integrate these elements into your daily life. Whether walking barefoot on the grass, lighting a candle and contemplating its flame, meditating with the sound of wind or water, or simply sitting quietly and feeling the vastness of the sky above you , every little practice can deepen your bond with these powerful allies.

And remember: the Shamanic path is a journey of continuous discovery, a path that invites us to integrate the wisdom of the elements into our lives. Listen to the whisper of the Earth and let it guide you towards a more harmonious and connected existence.

A heartfelt hug, from heart to heart.
