I wish to talk to you about how the dual experience on this planet carries both the limit to experiencing and the greatest possibility for our evolution.

We live in a fractal world, where macro systems and micro systems obey the same laws: as we live in aggregate systems, the bigger one controls the smaller one and the smaller one feeds the bigger one.

In this explosion of expansion and contraction, the cosmic breath dwells, both in the infinitely large and in the infinitely small. It is where the Whole moves in harmony.

We are part of this cosmic miracle that we call life and we already exist in this union, and we are part of the Whole, as is often said.

I wish to bring a very clear concept of integration. That is what I see if I observe the whole creation moving in unison, in cycles that repeat themselves on different octaves with a masterful perfection: “We are already the One“, as we are an inseparable part of it. If we observe the Earth from above, we cannot see men, animals or insects. We know that they live in this Aggregate System called Earth, and we can we say that the Earth is part of that One.

What is separate about us that makes us think that we should integrate ourselves?

And whom do we feel separated from?

The concept of separation is therefore only a personal illusion, an observation point that makes us experience only one of the two sides.

The process of Returning to the One is being both the two polarities. It is knowing the facets of both, fearing none of them and being able to use them as needed with the ability to manage our emotions.

To try to best describe my concept of the forces of duality to you, I will tell you a love story that has existed for centuries between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

The Sun is the masculine element that bestows its truth by liberating Light and does so by constantly illuminating our planet Gaia or commonly called planet Earth. The atmosphere that separates us from the Sun is the entire information field that feeds the systems aggregated to it.

The egg, yes, a simple hen’s egg, is its fruit or its earthly emanation. The truth of life is in the egg which is made up of yolk and albumen: the yolk is the part made mainly up of fat, it is the welcoming nest that supports the new creation. While the albumen is the protein part, i.e., the information part which constantly nourishes the cell.

This truth is a simple concept that helps the understanding of the structure of the whole existence.

The rooster crows when the sun rises. The hen sings while laying an egg. This truth is the key to understand the existence of man on Earth and the laws that allow life through the manifestation of a Feminine and a Masculine aspect.

The Sun is the truth that lights up the day.

The Moon is the truth that lights up the night.

Darkness does not exist, as there is either the sunlight or the moonlight. There are few days of complete darkness and these live on the energy that precedes birth.

The Sun is the instrument through which the Earth generates itself. The Earth therefore heats up and releases the energy of the Sun, creating matter, activating the chlorophyll synthesis which maintains the regenerative balance of all its living systems.

In this context, the Moon is the specular agent of the observation of the Sun, as the Sun illuminates a part of the Earth and frees the part, hidden by darkness, using the Moon as a medium. In this game of mirrotring and distancing from the Sun, the earth experiences itself and its polarity in shadow, and with it all the beings that live on it.

Its shadow polarity is supported by the fear that was generated by the dark that entered with the fall of consciousness. Fear represents everything we don’t know. In these fears exist our “shadow” parts, or survival programs.

Everything that we do not know and cannot modify with the knowledge in our possession must be placed in the hands of God.

Our task is to follow the truths of the-soul-that-knows. And what we do not know we can leave it to God.

This truth leaves the remittance to God, through the light, while the Moon allows the shadow to experience its light, that is, the hidden teaching.

Let me try to summarize: the Sun is the masculine aspect and the rooster crows when the Sun rises, so the masculine can be acknowledged in the Sun. The Earth is the feminine aspect, the hen sings while laying an egg, therefore while generateing and recognizing itself as the one who creates. This is the clear manifestation of the roles that masculine and feminine have on earth and which together create the One.

God expresses himself through the feminine, saving himself in the feminine through the sperm, activating or inseminating the cell, from which a being will be born in the image and likeness of the Sun. He will be called man or woman and the Sun will carry this being within. The Sun will only have to activate that being.

Willing is power, but wanting is not willing, wanting is choosing and choosing becomes power.

This statement brings into harmony the key of manifestation, i.e. the Sun is God and illuminates the planet Earth which is the Goddess. This polarity is both truth and light, as the Sun is both matter and energy, as is the Earth.

For this reason, the Sun always illuminates, while the Moon helps the Sun by reflecting the Sun. This allows the Earth to rest and reflects the light so as not to leave it in the dark.

The Creator chose, he wanted to use his will to manifest himself on Earth.

The Sun deactivates you to be its shadow. By deactivating you, it watches your hidden light. That is, it watches you while it is illuminating the other side of the Earth. While observing you, it mirrors itself and allows you to free it in the its hidden part.

If this were the truth, the will of the Sun is to save you, what you are in essence, by hiding yourself in the image of it, what love would you be able to feel?

So, the Sun, or the masculine aspect of the moment, is imprisoned more than ever, reflecting itself in the Moon until the Moon decides to light up.

When one of us manages to express himself/herself in truth he/she is moving both in freedom and in will. He/she makes a choice and the choice becomes the truth that he/she will see manifested.

The concept of separation is therefore only a personal illusion, an observation point that makes us experience only one of the two sides.

The process of Returning to the One is being both the two polarities. It is knowing the facets of both, fearing none of them and being able to use them as needed with the ability to manage our emotions.

When a person frees his/her shadow, he/she does a work of Self-manifestation, releasing a part of the Moon from the image he/she carries, he/she takes off the mask and begins to bring the light of the Sun, to alleviate one’s own night of the soul.

If everyone’s night were able to look at itself, or if everyone could take care of one’s own Self and one’s own shadow, the Moon could light up. This will happen when the feminine will live on her own light and will not use the reflected light of the masculine to manifest or exist. While the masculine in turn will be free only if he frees the feminine from her reflection.

This is the chess game with ourselves. We possess both polarities regardless of the gender that is manifest.

Ask yourself this question: why does the Moon obey the Sun?

Because it’s the order of things.

From this it can be deduced that the Moon is complementary to the Sun as it mirrors it, i.e. your shadow is complementary to your light, because it is both silenced and brought to light by physically manifesting the opposite, i.e. creating the paradox.

The real power is to use the shadow to bring light.

In this wonderful story everyone has his/her own role because this is the order of things.

God expresses himself through the feminine, saving himself in the feminine through the sperm, activating or inseminating the cell, from which a being will be born in the image and likeness of the Sun. He will be called man or woman and the Sun will carry this being within. The Sun will only have to activate that being.
Willing is power, but wanting is not willing, wanting is choosing and choosing becomes power.

The Sun’s task is: to illuminate, to give heat, to allow the chlorophyll synthesis for the possibility of life for all living beings and for the prosperity of the Earth itself. It has a masculine essence and penetrates matter, saving its manifestation in all cells.

The Earth’s task is: parthenogenesis, i.e. using the energy of the Sun to be fertilized and prolific, giving the necessary nourishment to all living beings. It has a feminine essence and it is welcoming, intuitive and sensitive.

The Moon’s task is: to honor its commitment, to be the reflected image of the Sun, to allow the shadow to sòowly emerge. Sometimes it is scaring because it produces more shadows for those who stray too far from the Sun.

The beings who live here on Earth express the two polarities in their features: either they have a more lunar or more solar disposition. Only this is to be harmonized by creating the eclipse within each of us, allowing our inner Sun to ignite and to be able to shine with its own light, manifesting what we are to the fullest potential.

The ignition of the inner Sun in each cell is called the cosmic orgasm: it is the moment in which each cell becomes aware of itself, lights up, awakens realizing its being independent and interdependent at the same time from the cell/man that contains it.

Here the search for integration does end, the illusion of a mind that feels separate even though it knows it is an integral part of the One.

The feeling of separation alone is creating all the pain in the world.

We are already United and we can only feel united if we choose to.