The Inner Awakening of the Essence consists in the effort to be present to Life by learning to discriminate between the moments of actual Presence and those in which, immersed in a daydream, one is absent.

The consxious effort is the ruler with which to determine the difference between what we actually are and what we imagine to be.

If in a state of alert attention, we are able to feel the pulsating core of Life within us, this subtle difference manifests a renewed consxious energy, opening us to another consxiousness capable of discerning between a hypnotic state and the effort necessary to get out of it. This experience is very powerful, and the resulting emptiness that is experienced often leaves one shocked.

Admitting that the Life with which I enter into a relationship is limited and governed by the mechanical and unconscious repetition of schematic and habitual concepts, at the beginning, can be truly destabilizing.

However, there is nothing to fear, since it is in this objectless emptiness that the personality dissolves to make room for the true Essence.

The state of Presence is a natural Magical act, it is Life as it is without interpretations, it is living Experience.


Excerpt from “Synthesis and Fragments of Living Thought, vol. II: Reality in Motion