Man is a powerful perceiver, custodian of many magical abilities.

However, according to certain wise men, he is not in an aware contact with his magic, so the perception he has of himself and the world is limited by his own abstraction. Man, as long as he interprets and creates the world based on a description that was told to him from the moment of birth, and on which he has “personalized” himself and constituted himself as a sentient and rational entity (Soul), will not be able to have access to his innate and powerful Magic.

The ordinary man is often confused; he follows the flow of events traced by what he believes to be true, without ever realizing that his every experience is dictated by the reflection generated by his externally reflected internal projections. The distorting mirrors are inside him and his world is forced to adapt to his beliefs; stories never investigated with healthy discernment determine the sense of his own identity. And the abstraction from Reality is served!

Between you and the world, in the middle, there is the narrative that you believe to be you. A story made of rules that reason, affirming “I” and “mine”, stubbornly accepts and defends. Properly speaking, therefore, you are always one step away from your narrative and Reality, and your experience is always the shadowy reflection of your unexplored thoughts, influenced by poorly governed emotions and instincts.

Inner perception, innate knowledge for intended, is the hinge that holds together everything that man is, and this perception is activated by the positioning of his Consxiousness in a precise point of union: the Heart. Therefore, if the position of this point is changed (from the head to the Heart), the perception that man has of Reality, of the world and of himself changes accordingly. A permanent center of gravity is “the point” from which to observe events and be in contact with Reality.

The Magician awakened to the Real (his only Kingship) knows exactly how and where to place his assemblage point, and for this reason he can become anything he desires. The Magician wants nothing but the naked and raw Reality; he simply, in his healthy madness, loves what is.

Go within yourself, and you will understand that allowing yourself to be penetrated by Reality is the gentlest and most loving way to awaken.


An unexamined mind is the only suffering.
Either you believe what you think or you investigate it. There are no other choices.”

Byron Katie