The perception of the scent of a rose is different and unique for each of us; it cannot be planned a priori by brain neuronal correlations. This opens the field to consciousness and the experience of new perceptions increasingly makes its way in me, which however everyone can experience. NEW QUANTUM MEDICINE moves in this direction: the supremacy of consciousness over matter.

In the era of post materialism, mechanistic science, which still wants to explain all natural phenomena through quantitative characteristics alone, resists the entry of consciousness into its field of study, but evolution cannot be stopped, we are moving towards a “Spiritual Science”.

In my latest book entitled “The New Quantum Medicine, Endogenous Magnetic Scalar Waves and Consciousness” I develop the foundations of this medical art which does not involve the use of instruments or drugs but simply seeks to promote healing using energy, information, communication and consciousness. For this reason, although it is part of the Science of Complexity, it is the “Medicine of the Simple Ones”.

The New Quantum Medicine does not operate in cause-effect, it does not use any instrument, it does not propose a cure, but it makes use of the physical principles of resonance and coherence, of the perception and the transmission of Conscious Informed Energy, composed of endogenous magnetic scalar waves that propagate beyond space and time, in a non- dual dimension, in a circular time and in an All-encompassing Field of Consciousness, which pre-exists both energy and matter.

By relating to the microcosm, The New Quantum Medicine develops a “transpersonal consciousness”, favoring the perceptive experience of the clusters of hydrogen ions of cellular water, an expression of human biofields, in the planes of the aura of the Quantum Body, so as to encourage change. In this way it represents a new form of communication that transports information, which comes from the perception of angular movements, clockwise and anticlockwise spins of hypothetical particles that I have called “perceptons”, similar to photons and phonons which have zero mass and spin 1 and are mediators of the electromagnetic interaction. Perceptons could have zero mass and spin ½ c and be mediators of the electroweak interaction which represents the result of the unification of two of the four fundamental interactions of nature.

The New Quantum Medicine does not operate in cause-effect, it does not use any instrument, it does not propose a cure, but it makes use of the physical principles of resonance and coherence, of the perception and the transmission of Conscious Informed Energy, composed of endogenous magnetic scalar waves that propagate beyond space and time, in a non- dual dimension, in a circular time and in an All-encompassing Field of Consciousness, which pre-exists both energy and matter.

The New Quantum Medicine began its journey by developing the Quantum Perceptive Sense, through the resonance and the coherence between heart – brain, beyond time and space and acts through the Self, a single point of Consciousness, which is holographic with the Field All- encompassing Consciousness. There, it finds the Good, the original ethics of Man, the negentropic evolution of the desired harmony, in the folds of preserved memory.

By experiencing the hologram of the Quantum Body, it is sufficient to change the intention to create different “interference patterns”, so as to transform the composition of the subatomic particles with which its individual planes are made. The Quantum Body is composed of particles that do not exist until they are observed (in BQH I can say “perceived”), so they are not considered separately, but as a single indivisible system.

Quantum physicist David Bohm, who inspired my research, proposes the presence of a new kind of field, called “Quantum Potential”, where everything is encoded in interference patterns that give rise to the appearance of physical reality in a Holographic Universe where past, present and future coexist simultaneously.

It is in this way, through the hologram, where a single part always represents the whole, that it is possible to recall the different biofields of the past and, through the simple change of intention, a process that BQH calls “Copy – Paste”, transport them into the present and obtain a “Constructive Interference”, the main basis of the epigenetic transformation that will be represented. This is the “Communication” that the Burgarella Quantum Healing (BQH)® Model uses to “change the information” present in the Quantum Body, which will then express itself in the Physical Body.

It is in this way, through the hologram, where a single part always represents the whole, that it is possible to recall the different biofields of the past and, through the simple change of intention, a process that BQH calls “Copy – Paste”, transport them into the present and obtain a “Constructive Interference”, the main basis of the epigenetic transformation that will be represented.

The New Quantum Medicine according to the Burgarella Quantum Healing (BQH)® Model is supported by a Morphogenetic Field that develops more and more with the passage of time, where the ability to restore health is secondary to the sole fact of belonging to the field itself. It is the “sense of belonging” to the field, which occurs simply due to a principle of resonance and coherence, which is increased by the forms that subsequent developments acquire, and is transmitted over time. It is in this way that new entries immediately receive updates relating to the evolution of the field, so as to encourage the evolution of consciousness.

NEW QUANTUM MEDICINE relates to illness and to healing through the “Unconscious Awareness”, which is based on “noesis”, an immediate intuitive wisdom, distinct from argumentative activity, of which however it constitutes the prerequisite. In BQH, the “noesis” is based on the perception and interpretation of the spin fields, with the clockwise and anti- clockwise movement of the Aware Informed Energy typical of Human Biofields. Unconscious Awareness is the place of Consciousness where Conscious Awareness, although precious in the reality in which we live, cannot reach. In practice it is essential to operate taking into account five rules that underlie the “determinism of chaos” and that the members of the BQH Online Community know very well: 1) no doubts, 2) no expectations, 3) no ego, 4) appreciate the results anyway and 5) be happy.

NEW QUANTUM MEDICINE relates to illness and to healing through the “Unconscious Awareness”, which is based on “noesis”, an immediate intuitive wisdom, distinct from argumentative activity, of which however it constitutes the prerequisite.

It is not possible to fully understand what has been written except through the experience of BQH Perception, which everyone can experience with a very short training. A newly explored terrain that has a lot to offer.