In this article I wish to explore the interaction between aether and water, analyzing its relevance from historical, modern and spiritual perspectives. From ancient philosophical conceptions to scientific advances, as well as their intrinsic connection to spiritual beliefs, we immerse ourselves in the realm of ether and water, revealing their elusive nature.
First of all I think it is necessary to give a brief overview of the concepts of ether and water:
Aether refers to an immaterial, invisible and elusive element that has been conceived in different ways throughout history. The aether, as a concept, has played a significant role in human history in various contexts. In ancient philosophy and science, ether was considered the element or substance that permeated all space and constituted the very essence of the universe. Some ancient cultures and philosophies believed that the aether was the origin and foundation of all things and that it was the basis for the formation of all matter. This concept has had a strong influence on the understanding of the physical and spiritual world. Throughout history, the aether has also had an impact on natural sciences and scientific research. In physics, the aether has been a widely debated concept in past centuries to explain the phenomena of electromagnetism and light. However, with the development of modern scientific theories, such as general relativity, the concept of the aether has been gradually abandoned or reinterpreted.
Aether is a concept that has different interpretations, both scientific and spiritual. Spiritually, aether is often associated with subtle energy or a higher spiritual realm.
Here are some indications on the concept of ether from a spiritual point of view:
- Quintessence: In ancient traditions, aether was often considered one of the five fundamental elements of the universe, along with earth, water, air and fire. It was considered the superior element or quintessence, which permeates and supports the other elements. This concept was associated with a vital or spiritual energy that connects and pervades everything that exists.
- Spiritual Connection: The aether can be thought of as the subtle connecting fabric that connects all life forms and the universe itself. Some spiritual traditions maintain that the ether is the subtle essence from which everything originates and to which everything returns. It is seen as the energetic substrate on which physical and spiritual reality is based.
- Higher spiritual realm: According to some spiritual philosophies, the aether may represent a higher realm or state of consciousness. It is associated with the pure spiritual dimension, where divine forces, celestial beings, or high spiritual experiences are believed to reside. It can be considered as a level of existence that goes beyond material reality.
- Energy Healing: In some holistic or energy healing practices, ether can be thought of as a subtle force that manifests in the human aura or life energy. Working with ether can involve harmonizing and balancing subtle energies to promote healing and balance.
- Inner Awareness: Some spiritual teachings suggest that the aether can only be experienced or understood through inner awareness or deep meditation. Through spiritual practice, one can develop a deeper and more subtle connection with the ether and experience its potential benefits for spiritual growth.
It is important to underline that the concept of ether can vary according to different spiritual and philosophical traditions. Each may have a slightly different interpretation of it. Therefore, if you are interested in the topic of the aether, it may be helpful to delve deeper into the specific traditions or schools of thought that interest you most.
Furthermore, in the spiritual context, the idea that everything is first created in the ether or in a subtle realm before manifesting on a material level is often associated with concepts such as creative intention, visualization, or the law of attraction. However, it is important to note that these are perspectives and beliefs that may vary between different spiritual and philosophical traditions.
From a scientific point of view, the question of how material reality arises is the subject of debate and study. Theories such as the Big Bang, evolution and quantum physics offer explanations for the formation of the universe and the manifestation of matter. These theories describe the process by which subatomic particles combine to form atoms, molecules, and material objects.
While scientific theories explain the ways in which matter is formed and organized, the idea that everything is first created in a subtle or ethereal realm before manifesting on a material level is generally regarded as a philosophical or spiritual perspective. This belief reflects a broader view of existence that views matter as part of an underlying energy or universal awareness.
It is important to underline that the scientific demonstration of these ideas can be complex because it involves elements that are not always easily observable or measurable. However, many people find value and personal meaning in exploring these spiritual perspectives and finding connections between the material and subtle or energetic worlds.
Water, on the other hand, is a tangible substance, essential to every living creature, with multiple properties and symbolic meanings. Water has played a fundamental role in the history of humanity in many ways, influencing not only our physical development, but also cultural and spiritual aspects. Historically, water has been essential for human survival. Rivers and lakes provided sources of drinking water and facilitated the cultivation of fertile land. The ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley, Egypt and Mesopotamia developed along rivers such as the Nile and Euphrates, which provided vital water resources for irrigation and agriculture. Furthermore, water played a vital role in maritime trade. The routes of the seas and oceans have been used for the transportation of goods and the connection between different cultures and peoples. Great maritime civilizations, such as the Phoenicians and Vikings, built commercial empires through navigation and the use of marine resources
In the modern context, water has numerous practical uses. It is a fundamental resource for agriculture, industry and energy production. It is used for irrigating fields, producing hydroelectric energy and cooling power plants. Water also plays a crucial role in personal hygiene, the food industry and public health. In many developed countries, water supplies are easily accessible, while in some regions of the world, problems of water scarcity and limited access to drinking water still persist.
Water has been used for purification rituals in many cultures and spiritual traditions around the world. The practice of using water to purify or symbolize purification has ancient roots and various applications.
Here are some well-known examples of uses of water for purification rites:
- Baptism: In Christianity, water is used in the sacrament of baptism to symbolize spiritual purification and rebirth in adherence to the Christian faith.
- Ritual washing: In many religious traditions, ritual washing of the hands, feet or the whole body is performed to purify oneself before entering a sacred place or before carrying out sacred ceremonies. For example, Wudu in Islam, the practice of ritual ablution, is performed before prayer.
- Blessing ceremonies: Water can be blessed, often by a priest or spiritual leader, and used to sprinkle or pour on people or objects to confer a blessing and remove impurities.
- Healing Rites: In some spiritual and alternative practices, water can be used as a healing tool. It can be blessed, filled with positive intentions and used for drinking, bathing or bathing to improve health and well-being.
- Energy Cleansing Ceremonies: Water can be used to cleanse the energy of a space or object. Spraying water or using a solution of water and salt can be part of a ritual that aims to remove negative or unwanted energies.
It is important to note that the use of water for ritual and purification purposes often has a symbolic and spiritual value, and the specific meaning can vary from culture to culture or from tradition to tradition. Beliefs and practices associated with the use of water in purification rituals can differ greatly depending on cultural and religious context.
At this point I would refer to my personal experiences with the ether. I was lucky enough or I would say that I chose to be born into a particular family, where my maternal grandfather developed an instrument capable of diagnosing and then treating people even remotely through radionics, I’m talking about George Delawarr.

George and Marjorie Delawarr
They say about him:
(George Delawarr (1904-1969) was a British engineer and one of the pioneers in research into radionics, a discipline that explores the relationship between energy, life field and human health. Radionics is based on the theory that every organism emits an energy field unique and that this field can be influenced to promote well-being.
Delawarr became interested in radionics after experiencing health improvements through the use of dowsing devices (instruments used to measure and detect subtle energy). Over the years, he developed a series of radionic devices based on electromagnetic and energetic principles, including the so-called “Delawarr Radionic Camera”.
This machine was designed to capture “images” of the human aura or subtle energy fields and use them in the analysis and treatment of diseases.
According to Delawarr, these devices could be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases and energetic imbalances by acting on the individual’s vital field.
George DeLawarr’s legacy in radionics is significant, as he helped promote the use of radionic instruments and methods in human energy field research. Today, radionics is still the subject of study and debate in the complementary medicine community. Delawarr’s radionic camera used a complex system of electrodes, coils, crystals and electronic circuits to capture and record these ‘supposed’ energy images on photographic film. These images were then used for the analysis and treatment of the individual’s health conditions.
As a child I remember very well his workshop where he produced “the black box” which caused a stir and a lot of fear on the part of the scientists of the time and perhaps it is still like this today… he was certainly very ahead of that historical moment, (years ’50) because “the black box” was already a source of chatter, but then the ‘camera’ he developed demonstrated that the ether can be captured and programmed.
Let me explain: his camera had the lens pointed at an object, example mother tincture of arnica in a glass bottle, but he ‘programmed’ on the vibration of the flower and the flower and not the bottle came out on the photographic film!
I consider myself very lucky to have had very different input from most people because, from the point of view of open-mindedness, I am intrigued by everything that is intangible and has made me a 360° spiritual researcher. When you have certain experiences and unfortunately, I didn’t live long with my grandfather because he passed away 4 months after we moved from Capri to Oxford he told me “Baby, remember that the human body was created to be regenerated infinity, and they want us to believe instead of getting old and dying…”, it makes you see the world with different eyes.
I’ll tell you another personal experience from when I lived in Pavia. I had been having a strange sensation in my lower abdomen for a few days but since I know that everything that comes to me passes, I didn’t give it much thought, but ‘that’ day I went to the post office and I started to feel excruciating pain in my lower abdomen, so that I was feeling sick that the lady at the checkout, seeing that I was growing increasingly pale, let me move on. When I returned home, the girl who helped me asked me if I had been punched because at this point, I was doubled over, I asked her to call 118 because I understood that it was serious, while she called the ambulance I I called my mother and described the symptoms to her, excruciating pain in my lower abdomen that branched out into my back. She said give me 10 minutes and I’ll call you back. He used my grandfather’s diagnostic tool. At this point, the 118 doctor who I remember was really beautiful came in and started examining me, and seeing that the pain was spreading behind, he assumed it was renal colic and they started taking me to the hospital. Mum called me back while I was in the ambulance and said “you have an infection in the uterus and the right corpus luteum is not closing and therefore you have blood in the Douglas duct…I’ll send you anesthetic now so that you can relax”. Upon my arrival at the hospital for about 15 minutes, the pain completely calmed down, they put me on a stretcher in the emergency room, and in the meantime a friend who was in charge of hospital supplies joined me. I told her everything because she was in the know having been around our family for several years so she wasn’t surprised. Meanwhile, 45 minutes passed and no one listened to me anymore because I wasn’t in pain anymore… so I called my mother and asked her to remove the anesthetic… which she did and within 1 minute I started screaming in pain. They examined me and my mother’s diagnosis from Oxford was very precise, I underwent an 8-hour operation for a PID with blood flowing from the right corpus luteum into the Douglas duct. All this caused by the spiral because I am a very sensitive being, my body did not ‘tolerate’ it for more than 9 months!!!
This anecdote to show that everything I have told you travels through the ether… the phone call, the sending of the anesthetic using my witness as an antenna to reach the source, my mother’s diagnosis with the instrument, the correctness of the diagnosis is merit hers because she was really very good!
Today we talk more and more frequently about the fact that the mind creates, that thoughts are a ‘physical’ entity and influence the surrounding reality. I can say that those who follow another path are aware that real reality exists, and virtual reality, that is, that which tries to keep us within systems dictated by others, through communication that is not exactly true, and it is up to each of us to connect to ‘Universe to understand what our real reality is and if we don’t like it, start changing the register to modify it to our liking.
As regards water, my element, having been born on July 9th and therefore of the zodiac sign Cancer, outside of its essential use in everyday life (we realize how dependent we are on it when it is missing! Living in Sardinia I can say that it is often missing…) it also has properties as a conveyor of information.
Still returning to my grandfather, he carried out studies with water, sending images and sounds to the water at a radionic level and the photography that came out was fascinating. This follows the lead of Masaru Emoto who has published several books including “The Hidden Messages in Water”, in which he states that water can be influenced by different human energies and thoughts. His theory suggests that water can “store” information, and this information can influence its physical properties and molecular structure. To support his claims, Emoto conducted a series of experiments in which he exposed water samples to external influences such as music, written words, and prayers. He then froze the water and observed the ice crystals formed. According to his theory. positively influenced water would have produced beautiful, symmetrical ice crystals, while negatively influenced water would have formed disorganized crystals.
Both Delawarr and Emoto obtained images consistent with their theories, which makes you think about how powerful sound and even thought is to imprint images on a tangible substance like water, so imagine what you do with our brain if we are incapable of protecting ourselves!
Incapable because we ignore that there are many ways to learn to do so that nothing can touch us, but this requires us to get out of fear, anger and duality, all things that are not easy to do but doable if we really want it.
What is extraordinary for me about both of these elements is that I believe to this day we have not yet discovered all the possible uses. I am convinced that in the coming years we will see the Awakening in progress, the “return” of information and ancient technologies that will give us the opportunity to improve our lives at 360°, live with peace in our hearts and in the world and who knows?
For years I have been following a teacher who with her EL Everything Light method has led me to understand even through the sole observation of the reality that surrounds me that the brain thinks in images and sounds, and therefore since we are talking about water, for the brain that it doesn’t do a little and a little and see everything underneath everything is modifiable if we wish, The Universe constantly sends us warning signals we must learn to read them.
What is extraordinary for me about both of these elements is that I believe to this day we have not yet discovered all the possible uses. I am convinced that in the coming years we will see the Awakening in progress, the “return” of information and ancient technologies that will give us the opportunity to improve our lives at 360°, live with peace in our hearts and in the world and who knows? perhaps my grandfather was right to extend life dramatically as in the Bible, Methuselah is said to have lived 969 years… think of all the wonderful things that can be done and learned in this time.