The main Purpose of our Work is to access a new state of Consxiousness to develop, through practice and self-study, an incisive Power of transformation.
We must not forget that focused observation, patience, good will and a fair knowledge of one’s vehicles (mental, emotional and physical) are indispensable qualities to begin any path towards self-knowledge.
It is very likely that at the beginning one does not possess a true Will, so one finds oneself at the mercy of pre-packaged patterns and of what the same external nature, governed by these models, allows one to do. Very often the superstructures of the personality allow us to become a cultured and successful person, to have social positions of responsibility, but never to acquire a real power that determines our internal states and the surrounding events corresponding to them.
In short, without contact with our inner Essence, we are not masters of our life, we never truly create our Reality because, locked in psychic cages, we are now victims and then executioners of our own idealizations, of our own automatisms that limit our true Divine power.
Freedom is not something to be achieved, it is already in us; knowing ourselves is being it.