In Chapter 8th of “Il Sole e la Runa” (“The Sun and the Rune”), the latest essay by Mursia about the Third Reich Organisation, Ahnenerbe, an Association born in 1935 due to the will of Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945), whose purpose was to inquire about prehistoric researches and an alternative vision of the World’s and Mankind’s Hystory, while analising the relationship between that Association and the Japanese Empire, I decided to include the strange, hystorical and legal case of the Takeuchi Documents. Then in 1936 the Germans, through Ahnenerbe and SD Secret Services, showed a high interest in the hystory of Takeuchi Documents because they correlated part of their contents to old Indian texts, which have been already translated by German and British archeological missions at the end of the XIXth century.
In I t a l y in 1993 Edizioni Mediterranee published “Mondi Dimenticati” (Forgotten Worlds), a small yet very interesting essay by the Japanese Macrobiotic Master Michio Kushi (1926-2014). In the book Kushi mentioned the existence of a remarkable amount of very old documents in Japan. They included maps and reports about the most ancient hystory of the Japanese Islands, Asia, and the whole planet, even though the Takeuchi Documents were not directly mentioned.

Ancient Takeuchi document
Later on, thanks to the twenty-year work of Kosaka Wado, in 1995 “The Takeuchi Documents” were published. That essay disclosed Earth’s and Mankind’s secret hystory according the Shintoist most ancient tradition: the arrival on the planet of semi-divine beings, millions years ago, the creation of a “five-coloured” Humanity, the peregrination of those five matrix human races, the sequence of antediluvian Celestial Dynasties on Earth and the investiture of the current Japanese Imperial House, some centuries A.C.
Here is a small introduction:
“In a very remote age, Japanese people descending from the original race started to shape all civilizations.
Supported by a high Divine Nature, they built an extraordinary, ultrascientific civilization. Those magnificent souls, coming from the Cosmos, reigning in the time of the outmost splendor of that civilization, were Celestial Emperors!” ”
Dennis Mitchamson, an Englishman who lived in Japan for a long time ( now he lives in Italy) translated the Takeuki saga in Italian ( three essays). He received a written approval by Mrs. Nobuyo Okubo, Kosaka Wado’s widow, to publish those documents in our country and in our language, only in paper books.
I read it, checked the translation and found it extremely interesting: a kind of mix about Cosmo’s hystory, “border” Archeology, Shinto and an imaginary Realism, quite unique in its genre yet aligned with the works of Peter Kolosimo’s and Zecharia Sitchin’s. Quite an original and inventive book, interesting for hystorians and attractive to the aficionadoes of The mysteries of Archeology and Space.
The Takeuchi Documents have an interesting and visually charming iconography: many drawings, maps and various images, all in black-anfwhite.
What are the Takeuchi Documents and what do they represent?

Map of the Ancient World according to the Takeuchi Documents – South on High with Lost Continents – by Tamiara and Myoi
Part of the Documents was destroyed in Spring 1945 due to an American airplane raid over Tokyo. But some copies had been made.
According to the Documents, which were translated in Japanese from “Divine Letterings” in 500 A.C., this Universe is 30 billion years old.
There have been 7 Divine Celestial Eras ( first Era of the God Nommo Nushi ), 25 Semi-Divine Eras (Joko Generations ), 72 Eras, or better Generations of Superhuman Kings ( kings’ life lasting not more than 2.000 years) and 126 Generations of Human Emperors. The first one was Tenno ( the current Yamato dinasty, is acknowledged as the true and only dynasty by divine decision).
From the 5th Celestial Era, the Sumera Mikoto Gods decided to descend on Earth in order to transform it in a Paradise of Life. From the 2nd Semi/Divine Generation Joko it had been decided to create human beings through genetic engineering, and they were divided in five races (black, white, red, yellow and “blu”).
Those human beings dispersed all around the Earth, starting from the current Japan. They build about 100 civilizations (or better “Human Races”) who reached the highest technological levels, and they all ended by being destroyed by world dreadful calamities.
In the same way our Human Race will be destroyed. And then it will return to civilization in a future time.
Lemuria, Mu and Atlantis were just the last three civilizations.
From the birth of our Universe til now, according to Takeuchi Documents there have been 7 Celestial Divine Eras, 25 Semi/Divine Eras, 72 Eras, or better 72 Generations of Supehuman Kings and 126 Generations of Human Emperors, strating from the first japanese emperor Tenno.
What has been reported so far does not surprise those who are acquainted with the Japanise Shinto religion, its myths and sagas, with “waga kuni no Kojiki” or simply “Kojiki” ( description of ancient times), which is a official Shinto paper dating back to 700 A.C.
During the 30’,The Takeuchi Family has been persecuted and put on trial by the Japanese Government for a very simple reason: the Famiy claimed, and stiil claims, that the Documents have to be understood as a very accurate report of the most ancient World history up to the Coming of Christ and not as myths or allegories.
There are descriptions of “divinities” ( or better self-aware “divine finalistic principles”) as true and real superhuman beings who descended on Earth, firstly in Japan with their spaceships. They created Man and supplied all the means to reach high degree of civilization: human cultures that disappeared and resuscitated always under the “eyes” of there “divinities“ of the universal nature who have been monitoring us since million years ago.
Obviously, at first, the Japanese ruling structure could not accept the Shinto religion being degraded to a saga of the “Star Wars” genre, especially because of the deep ties of this religion, which basically has always been “supportive” of the current ruling Yamato family.
The persecution ended and the Japanese Supreme Court decreed that it was impossible to penalize the Takeuchi Clan because it never direspected Shinto.
The Germans had been impressed by this story: in fact, according to investigations from official visits to Japan by several SS officers, and some in-depth readings of Bushido carried out by the Head of theAhnenerbehimself Heinrich Himmler, there had become convinced of the existence of a very ancient cultural and blood affinity between the Nordic Europeans and the Japanese.There were some very ancient Eastern legends that considered Japan as the landing point of extraterrestrial divine entities who helped the humanity to direct towards civilization and out of barbarity.

Dogu Miyagi, 1000 a.C.-400 a.C.; source: Wikicommons
According to the Takeuchi Documents, made public since the 1920s, five matrix main races were created in Japan. The lost blue one,who lived in Asia and India at first and then in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, were using flying ships (the famous Vimanas, according to the Indian mithology).
According to Himmler, they were the Ancestors of the Nordic Race. They came together with other semi-divine beings, the Tuatha de Danaan, coming from Cassiopeia and settled in the North Pole. About their technological skills there have been some hypothesis, for example the use of aeronautic engines working with a mercury amalgam.
Some Indian Gods are sometime painted having a blue-black skin (Krishna, Vishnu) as and old memory of those ancient celestial races, commanding the planet.
The very ancient cultural connection between Japan and Northern Europe passed through the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert, Tibet and India during antidiluvian migrations.