Since birth we have been taught that the world is a certain way, and of course at this stage we have no choice but to accept that the world is as others have told us it is. The child learns how the world must feel and how it must think in order to be fully integrated and loved. Step by step, he is made familiar with a description of the world that he learns to perceive, maintain and defend as the true and only reality.
The absence of common sense and reason leads men to forget that the description is only an interpretation, but before they can realize this, they have already trapped their Essence in a cage from which they rarely emerge in the course of Life. We are trapped inside a perceptual bubble and what we witness, and believe to be our life, is a mere reflection of the personal vision of reality, now reduced to an astringent monologue projected onto others and the world. We talk incessantly to ourselves about our world and it is precisely thanks to this internal dialogue that we unconsciously auto-suggest and preserve it. With our inner dialogue we renew it, we breathe life into it, we justify and confirm it.
Only by watching this unknown inner dialogue that we call “I”, we can stop it and pierce the barrier of beliefs that separates us from the true reality that we are. Every time the inner dialogue is interrupted, the world, as we know it, collapses and completely extraordinary aspects of ourselves emerge, as if until that moment they had been watched over by our beliefs, convictions, hopes and our hidden fears.
Cowardice grabs by the legs those who are intent on flying; cowardice forces them to crawl; fear keeps them anchored to non-life, forcing them to deny their innate royalty.
The fear of Being is the unsolved dilemma of contemporary man.
“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.”
Rudyard Kipling