This is a This is a monothematic issue of the visual magazine, extracted from the Sei Altrove blog and prepared in collaboration with Hermes and the Altrove group.
Presentation of the blog
A bridge between the hands is the evocative image that opens The Way of the Rose, a Grimoire not yet printed on paper, but whose pages are destined to be printed, perhaps posthumously, in the heart of every Human Being who aspires to live a Life in harmony with the Essence.
Reading and contemplating the proposing writings, which Hermes transmits weekly through the blog curated by the Altrove Group, is a portal to a New World, to a Possible World. A World, a Universe, that can be accessed on condition of a first necessary renunciation, the necessity of which even the writer has had to progressively admit: the renunciation of understanding, that is, of interpreting the reality of life through the categories of the usual, the only ones we know and that we usually adopt as a point of reference. Categories that can sometimes help us to orient ourselves in a world that others have built for us, but that, in the face of the immense Mystery that manifests itself behind the appearance that this world assumes, dissipate like shadows at sunset, leaving us in front of a dark, indistinct, shapeless and borderless landscape. This landscape is our inner world, everything that we do not know about ourselves and that no one has previously helped us to probe.
In this darkness of unmanifest Light, the message, announced through Hermes, reveals itself as a Lamp, which enlightens and illuminates the steps of he, who in the midst of Life is called to a higher aspiration: Being.
To those who, inspired, through the echo of a Living Thought, wish to enjoy some ray of this light, we wish a good journey.
Yapos for the Altrove Group