In this article, I will share with you my spiritual journey, from Le Torracce (a holistic center that I created in 1999 which is located in Umbria just 9 km from Assisi) to the sacred land of India where I lived extraordinary experiences. Together, we will explore the mysteries of the human soul and the wonders of the universe, in the hope of inspiring others to embark on their own journey of inner enlightenment and self-healing.
Wonder has woven the fabric of my life since my early years, when my mind was wandering in the imagination of a supposed visual defect. This supposed handicap turned out to be an extraordinary gift: the ability to perceive a subtle world that escapes ordinary eyes. Through this unique filter, I began to observe the energy permeating space, manifesting as micro-grains of dust in the ether.
These micro-polka dots, as I tenderly call them, have taken on different forms throughout my life giving me the opportunity to understand that everything communicates in an invisible way, at any distance. In some moments, they became larger and more colorful spheres, which I saw appear in the sky and which entered my being, enriching my visual and spiritual experience. This perception was not just a personal aspect, but it shaped my vision of the world, my relationship with the reality around me and added value to my gift as a healer.
My childhood was anchored in a magical place, a place of power, a watchtower from the 1300s, which, in 1973, my family decided to buy. What pushed them to buy it was the deep connection that my sister, suffering from epileptic seizures and having integration difficulties, felt with this place. Here, not only did her seizures decrease, but she immediately felt an extraordinary sense of well-being and peace. I spent hours immersed in this space, far away from the world, where the passage of time and the definition of space seemed to dissolve.
In this environment, I experienced deep connections with something invisible to many, but incredibly powerful. Here, I came into connection with spiritual guides, who supported me, protected me, thus a relationship of total trust was created with them.
During my childhood, I had an experience that led me to deeply understand negative energies. I experienced up close situations in which my sister struggled with influences that seemed beyond our understanding, influences that I can now identify as dark presences by which she was possessed.
Thanks to the support of highly evolved beings, I learned to navigate through the darkness without getting lost, to find the inner strength to overcome obstacles through light.
Coming back to this special place, I can say that it has become the foundation of my journey, which began in 1999 when panic attacks occurred for the first time. I therefore decided to go to Ischia attracted by a holistic holiday. A proverb teaches us that not all evils have a silver lining, and my life is a real testimony to this truth. This transformative experience reopened crucial energy channels and amplified my sensory perception, allowing me to see people’s auras and to channel energy with awareness. During a powerful shamanic ritual, a space was created inside me for an extraordinary encounter: my animal guide, a lion. This presence, my spiritual guide in the animal kingdom, appeared just when I needed to take responsibility for my power. It instilled awareness, strength and determination in me, allowing me to face a very difficult situation and make courageous decisions. It is thanks to this connection that I decided to transform Le Torracce into a holistic farmhouse, creating suitable spaces for hosting residential seminars, a safe and welcoming environment, where people could explore and accept their emotions, traumas and energetic blockages, where meditation might naturally happen naturally as well as self-reflection and self-awareness…a place of spiritual inquiry, healing, growth and evolution.
I understood that Le Torracce would be the place where I could manifest my gift, but it would also be my personal space to learn, grow and work on myself. Here, I had the opportunity to meet numerous teachers and therapists with whom I was able to undertake transformative and educational paths of personal and spiritual growth, I met Sannyasin therapists who connected me to the energy of Osho and in 2004 I took Sannyas (the movement of those who seek the truth) and received my name: Prem Leela (meaning “the divine love game of life”).
Every 7 years there has been a significant evolutionary step in my life and in 2006 this passage was characterized by a trip to India that I undertook to become a Deeksha Giver (a deeksha giver is one who facilitates the transfer of divine energy through the laying-on of hands in order to contribute to physical, mental and spirituality of the receiver).
It was a momentous time, during which I had the honor of meeting two enlightened Avatars, Amma and Bhagavan, and participating in a 21-day retreat at their spiritual center. The experience of coming in contact with cosmic beings, constantly connected to the divine, has left a deep imprint on my soul. Each Deeksha I received during the retreat brought me to a state of grace and awareness, opening new doors on my spiritual path. The loss of my mother in 2004 was a catalyst for my journey to India, as accompanying her passing from this life led me to understand the eternal bond that unites us. We had decided that the Moola Mantra, a song we shared in the days before she left her body, would be the message that she continued to be close to me with all her love and that it would be a tangible symbol of our spiritual connection. When I went to Verona for a seminar where I could receive he Deeksha to understand if this trip to India was the right step for me to take, I was welcomed with the Moola Mantra as background music and I understood without further hesitation that I would have ben leaving in August. This trip represented an opportunity for awakening, for a deeper understanding of myself, my spiritual path and connection with Divine Grace. In this place the golden orbs filled both the sky and my soul. While awakening can be a non-linear process, I have learned to welcome each step of my journey with gratitude and openness, knowing that each experience contributes to my spiritual development. And so when I was able to meet the two Avatars, I was told that yes, my mission was to bring healing through Deeksha and that yes, I could and should do it in my center.
Back to Le Torracce, I was filled with a sense of total enlightenment in every fiber of my being. While I was sitting on the entrance stairs of my center, I felt a cosmic energy envelop me, opening my third eye to a new perception of reality.
The two colored spheres that appeared in the sky were not simple atmospheric phenomena, but bearers of a universal message. Through them, I felt the universe itself come into contact with my soul, beginning an inner journey that would further and forever change my view of the world.
This experience was not just a fleeting moment of wonder, but a profound initiation into the very essence of the Universe. I felt connected to all that exists, perceiving the beauty and complexity of the cosmos more intensely than ever before.
Seven years later, I had the extraordinary meeting with Jeff Levin, the one who channeled Life Alignment.
He arrived in my holistic center to lead a teaching module of his technique. His egoless presence attracted me immediately, and I asked to experience a treatment session, eager to learn about this technique, which was unknown to me. It was an exceptional experience: in addition to improving my body structure, Jeff identified a critical point in my spine, and a past moment in my life where there had been a significant trauma. This information may have seemed mentally insignificant, but my body reacted profoundly, manifesting pain and intense vibrations that resonated with this past experience. Furthermore, during the session, I felt a spiritual connection with my father, who passed away in 2003, when a caress seemed to touch my face. At the end of the session, I experienced an amazing change: my spine was aligned, the hyperlordosis was gone and even the hallux valgus was corrected. This experience revolutionized my perspective on physical healing, pushing me to study this extraordinary technique of vibrational healing with all the passion I have.
Life Alignment gave me a revolutionary vision: what I had perceived for years as pain or drama could be transformed into joy and power. I realized that the anger and the anxiety that had marked much of my life were just programs, patterns, and habits that could be transmuted. My anger transformed into awareness and creativity, and the anxiety dissolved into nothingness.
Today, I carry on Jeff’s work with gratitude and dedication, offering support to those dealing with issues such as anxiety, anger, emotional pain and inner wounds, by healing wounds, breaking harmful patterns, transforming limiting beliefs, and allowing to carry out ascension processes from contracts we have made with the Universe. Thanks to my personal experience, I am able to be a point of reference and a guide for others, using a direct and no-nonsense approach, like a laser that gets straight to the point.
Each of us possesses an extraordinary inner power, capable of transforming our lives and healing the wounds of the soul. The path may be long and tortuous, but each step brings us closer and closer to our true essence.
I use a Vortex technology with magnetic cards to transmit specific frequencies that change the polarity from negative to positive.
When in 2020, I was supposed to return to India for a course on abundance, Covid arrived and prevented me from going. But during that time I embarked on a deep path of meditation and fasting. I fasted for 21 days and was always deeply connected to India, to those golden spheres and that divine energy.
With Life Alignment I was working remotely with people to neutralize the effects of Covid. To practice this procedure, however, I was missing seven magnetic cards that belong to the Vortex technology and not having the financial resources at that time to purchase them, I totally entrusted myself to the Universe and my guides. I just drew the symbol that characterizes them and when I immersed myself again in the meditative state, seven golden spheres materialized inside my house. This time they did not enter my being, but I was able to insert them into magnets with which, since 2020, I have created very powerful amulets that protect against the negativity of places and people, transform the harmful energies of wifi, cell phones, all electrical appliances that are harmful to us and have a great soothing effect on physical pain.
This is the most recent experience of wonder I have had and one that leads me to be truly grateful that abundance manifested itself even though I couldn’t go to India.
Given the 7 year rhythm, I will wait for 2027 for a new energetic and evolutionary transition. In closing, I invite you to embark on the journey to your own self-healing and spiritual growth. Each of us possesses an extraordinary inner power, capable of transforming our lives and healing the wounds of the soul. The path may be long and tortuous, but each step brings us closer and closer to our true essence. I invite you to join me in my holistic center, where we can share experiences and healing techniques, and together grow and evolve.
Each of us possesses an extraordinary inner power, capable of transforming our lives and healing the wounds of the soul. The path may be long and tortuous, but each step brings us closer and closer to our true essence.
May this article be the first step towards your spiritual rebirth.